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There are 14 eight-letter words containing C, I, 2M and N

AMMONIACammoniac adj. Of or relating to ammonia, or possessing its properties.
ammoniac n. Alternative form of ammoniacum.
AMMONIAC n. a gum resin.
CHUMMINGchumming v. Present participle of chum.
chumming n. (Military, aviation, historical) The use of a lit aeroplane to draw enemy fire so that the enemy can…
CHUM v. to be close friends with someone.
CLAMMINGclamming v. Present participle of clam.
clamming adj. (Geordie) very hungry.
CLAM v. to dig for the edible shellfish clams.
CLEMMINGclemming v. Present participle of clem.
CLEM v. to starve.
CRAMMINGcramming v. Present participle of cram.
cramming n. The act by which something is crammed, or stuffed full.
cramming n. An intensive course of hard study, as for an examination.
ENCOMIUMencomium n. Warm praise, especially a formal expression of such praise; a tribute.
encomium n. (Rhetoric) A general category of oratory.
encomium n. (Rhetoric) A method within rhetorical pedagogy.
MECONIUMmeconium n. (Medicine) A dark green mass, the contents of the fetal intestines during the later stages of mammalian…
meconium n. (Obsolete) Opium.
MECONIUM n. the first fecal excretion of a newborn child.
MINICAMPminicamp n. (US sports) A short training session for members of a professional sports team, held before the main…
MINICAMP n. a brief training camp for football players.
MINICAMSminicams n. Plural of minicam.
MINICAM n. a portable TV camera.
MINICOMSminicoms n. Plural of minicom.
MINICOM n. a communication device which allows deaf people to receive telephone messages.
MNEMONICmnemonic adj. Especially of a series of ideas, letters, words, etc.: intended to help in remembering.
mnemonic adj. Of or relating to mnemonics (“the study of techniques for remembering anything more easily”).
mnemonic adj. Of or relating to memory.
PEMMICANpemmican n. A food made from meat which has been dried and beaten into a paste, mixed with berries and rendered…
pemmican n. (Now rare) A speech or piece of writing that is very condensed, conveying a lot of thought or information…
PEMMICAN n. (Native American) a food prepared by North American Indians, also PEMICAN.
SCAMMINGscamming v. Present participle of scam.
SCAM v. to cheat or swindle.
SCUMMINGscumming n. (Printing) The accumulation of sticky ink on a plate.
scumming n. (Chiefly in the plural) That which is scummed off; skimmings; scum.
scumming n. (Video games, derogatory) The strategy of collecting easy rewards in unchallenging areas, e.g. when…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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