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There are 20 seven-letter words containing C, M, 2O and T

COCOMATcocomat n. A mat made from coir.
COCOMAT n. matting made from coir.
COMFORTcomfort n. Contentment, ease.
comfort n. Something that offers comfort.
comfort n. A consolation; something relieving suffering or worry.
COMMOTEcommote n. A secular division of land in mediaeval Wales.
commote v. (Obsolete, rare) To disturb or agitate, to disrupt also in the positive sense, to put into (more) commotion…
COMMOTE n. an early English land division, also COMMOT.
COMMOTSCOMMOT n. an early English land division, also COMMOTE.
COMPLOTcomplot n. (Archaic) A plot (involving more than one person), conspiracy.
complot v. (Archaic, transitive, intransitive) To plot together; conspire.
COMPLOT v. to conspire.
COMPORTcomport v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To tolerate, bear, put up (with).
comport v. (Intransitive) To be in agreement (with); to be of an accord.
comport v. (Reflexive) To behave (in a given manner).
COMPOSTcompost n. The decayed remains of organic matter that has rotted into a natural fertilizer.
compost n. (UK) A medium in which one can cultivate plants.
compost n. (Obsolete) A mixture; a compound.
COMPOTEcompote n. A dessert made of fruit cooked in sugary syrup.
compote n. A dish used for serving fruit.
compôte n. Alternative spelling of compote.
COMPOTScompots n. Plural of compot.
COMPOT n. (French) fruit stewed in sugar or syrup, also COMPOTE.
DOTCOMSdotcoms n. Plural of dotcom.
dotcoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dotcom.
dot-coms n. Plural of dot-com.
MONOCOTmonocot n. (Botany) Alternative form of monocotyledon.
MONOCOT n. (short for) a monocotyledon, a plant having a single cotyledon, also MONOCOTYL, MONOCOTYLEDON.
MOSCATOmoscato n. A white grape variety used to make light, sweet white wine.
MOSCATO n. a sweet dessert wine.
MOTORICmotoric adj. (Biology) Relating to the motor faculties.
motoric adj. (Music, of a rhythm) Based on repetition of a single note length.
MOTORIC adj. pertaining to muscular movement.
OSMOTICosmotic adj. Relating to, or powered by, osmosis.
OSMOTIC adj. pertaining to, or having the property of, osmosis; as, osmotic force, also OSMOLAR.
OUTCOMEoutcome n. That which is produced or occurs as a result of an event or process.
outcome n. (Probability theory) The result of a random trial. An element of a sample space.
outcome n. (Education) The anticipated or desired results or evidence of a learning experience (often used in the…
SCHTOOMschtoom adj. Alternative form of shtum.
SCHTOOM adj. (Yiddish) silent, dumb, quiet, also SCHTUM, SHTOOM, SHTUM, SHTUMM, STUMM.
SCOTOMAscotoma n. An area of impaired or lost vision within a field of vision otherwise in a good (or at least healthy) state.
SCOTOMA n. (Greek) dizziness with dimness of sight, also SCOTOMIA, SCOTOMY.
SCOTOMYscotomy n. (Obsolete) dizziness with dimness of sight.
scotomy n. (Obsolete) obscuration of the field of vision due to the appearance of a dark spot before the eye.
SCOTOMY n. (obsolete) dizziness with dimness of sight, also SCOTOMA, SCOTOMIA.
TOMBOCSTOMBOC n. a Javanese long-handled weapon.
TOMCODStomcods n. Plural of tomcod.
TOMCOD n. a kind of cod, also TOMMYCOD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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