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There are 17 seven-letter words containing C, M, N, S and U

ACUMENSacumens n. Plural of acumen.
ACUMEN n. (Latin) mental keenness.
CENTUMScentums n. Plural of centum.
CENTUM n. (Latin) a hundred.
COLUMNScolumns n. Plural of column.
columns n. (Juggling) pattern which involves throwing props in the air alternately.
COLUMN n. a vertical cylindrical support.
CONIUMSconiums n. Plural of conium.
CONIUM n. (Latin) a genus of biennial, poisonous, white-flowered, umbelliferous plants, bearing ribbed fruit and decompound leaves.
CONSUMEconsume v. (Transitive) To use up.
consume v. (Transitive) To eat.
consume v. (Transitive) To completely occupy the thoughts or attention of.
CRINUMScrinums n. Plural of crinum.
CRINUM n. a family of tropical plants, having strap-like leaves and lilylike flowers.
CRUMENSCRUMEN n. (Latin) a deer's tear-pit.
CUMMINSCummins prop.n. A surname.
Cummins prop.n. A town on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.
CUMMIN n. an umbelliferous plant of the Mediterranean region with seeds like caraway, also CUMIN.
CUNDUMScundums n. Plural of cundum.
CUNDUM n. a condom.
MESCLUNmesclun n. A mixture of small, young leaves as a salad.
MESCLUN n. (French) a mixed salad of young leaves and shoots, e.g. of rocket, chicory, fennel etc., also MESCLUM.
MUNCHESmunches n. Plural of munch.
munches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of munch.
Munches prop.n. Plural of Munch.
MUNDICSmundics n. Plural of mundic.
MUNDIC n. iron pyrites.
MUSCONEmuscone n. (Organic chemistry) A macrocyclic ketone, (R)-3-methylcyclopentadecanone, that is the main constituent…
MUSCONE n. a macrocyclic ketone that gives musk its distinctive smell and is used in perfumes, also MUSKONE.
NICKUMSnickums n. Plural of nickum.
NICKUM n. (Scots) a mischievous boy.
NINCUMSnincums n. Plural of nincum.
NINCUM n. (short for) nincompoop, also NINCOM.
SANCTUMsanctum n. A place set apart, as with a sanctum sanctorum; a sacred or private place; a private retreat or workroom.
SANCTUM n. (Latin) a sacred place.
UNICOMSUNICOM n. a designated radio frequency for communications at some airports.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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