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There are 20 seven-letter words containing C, H, N, R and S

ANARCHSanarchs n. Plural of anarch.
ANARCH n. a promoter of lawlessness.
ANCHORSanchors n. Plural of anchor.
anchors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anchor.
ANCHOR v. to secure by means of an anchor.
ARCHONSarchons n. Plural of archon.
ARCHON n. the chief magistrate of ancient Athens.
CHENARSchenars n. Plural of chenar.
CHENAR n. (Persian) the oriental plane tree, also CHINAR.
CHINARSchinars n. Plural of chinar.
CHINAR n. (Persian) the oriental plane tree, also CHENAR.
CHYRONSchyrons n. Plural of chyron.
CHYRON n. a group of words that appears on a television screen.
COHORNScohorns n. Plural of cohorn.
COHORN n. (Dutch) a small mortar for throwing grenades, also COEHORN.
CRONISHCRONISH adj. like a crone.
INCHERSinchers n. Plural of incher.
INCHER n. something having a specified number of inches.
NICHERSnichers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nicher.
NICHER v. (Scots) to neigh, also NICKER.
RANCHESranches n. Plural of ranch.
RANCH v. to work at an establishment for raising livestock.
RANCHOSranchos n. Plural of rancho.
RANCHO n. (Spanish) a rude hut, or group of huts, esp. for travellers.
RHONCUSRHONCUS n. a rattling or whistling respiratory sound resembling snoring, caused by secretions in the trachea or bronchi, also RHONCHUS.
RICHENSrichens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of richen.
Richens prop.n. A surname.
RICHEN v. to make or become rich, also ENRICH.
RUNCHESrunches n. Plural of runch.
RUNCH n. a wild radish.
SCHNORRschnorr v. (Chiefly Jewish) to scrounge, sponge, cadge.
Schnorr prop.n. A surname from German.
SCHNORR v. (Yiddish) to beg, esp. in such a way as to make the giver feel beholden.
SCRANCHscranch v. (Transitive) To grind with the teeth, and with a crackling sound; to craunch.
SCRANCH v. to crunch.
SCRUNCHscrunch v. (Transitive) To crumple and squeeze to make more compact.
scrunch v. Alternative form of scranch.
scrunch n. A crunching noise.
SYNCHROsynchro n. (Sports, informal) Clipping of synchronized.; Any synchronized event, such as synchronized swimming.
synchro n. (Electrical engineering) A type of rotary electrical transformer that is used for measuring the angle…
synchro n. (Informal) Ellipsis of synchromesh (“from synchro-”).
URCHINSurchins n. Plural of urchin.
URCHIN n. a mischievous boy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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