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There are 19 seven-letter words containing C, E, N, O and V

CENTAVOcentavo n. Currency unit (hundredth of a peso) in Mexico.
centavo n. A similar subdenomination of various other currencies (in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia…
centavo n. (Historical) The former subdenomination of some other currencies (in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador…
CHEVRONchevron n. A V-shaped pattern; used in architecture, and as an insignia of military or police rank, on the sleeve.
chevron n. (Heraldry) A wide inverted V placed on a shield.
chevron n. (Chiefly Britain) One of the V-shaped markings on the surface of roads used to indicate minimum distances…
CONCAVEconcave adj. Curved like the inner surface of a sphere or bowl.
concave adj. (Geometry, not comparable, of a polygon) not convex; having at least one internal angle greater than 180 degrees.
concave adj. (Functional analysis, not comparable, of a real-valued function on the reals) satisfying the property…
CONNIVEconnive v. (Intransitive) To secretly cooperate with other people in order to commit a crime or other wrongdoing;…
connive v. (Intransitive, botany, rare) Of parts of a plant: to be converging or in close contact; to be connivent.
connive v. (Intransitive, obsolete) Often followed by at: to pretend to be ignorant of something in order to escape…
CONVECTconvect v. (Transitive) To move (a warm fluid) upward through a cooler fluid, to transfer (heat or a fluid) by convection.
convect v. (Intransitive) To undergo convection.
CONVECT v. to transfer heat by circulation.
CONVENEconvene v. (Intransitive) To come together; to meet; to unite.
convene v. (Intransitive) To come together, as in one body or for a public purpose; to meet; to assemble.
convene v. (Transitive) To cause to assemble; to call together; to convoke.
CONVENTconvent n. A religious community whose members (especially nuns) live under strict observation of religious rules…
convent n. The buildings and pertaining surroundings in which such a community lives.
convent n. (India) A Christian school.
CONVERTconvert v. (Transitive) To transform or change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product.
convert v. (Transitive) To change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another.
convert v. (Transitive) To induce (someone) to adopt a particular religion, faith, ideology or belief (see also sense 11).
CONVEYSconveys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of convey.
CONVEY v. to transport.
CONVIVEconvive v. (Obsolete) To feast with others.
convive n. (Obsolete) a participant in a feast or banquet.
convive n. (Obsolete) a feast or banquet.
CONVOKEconvoke v. (Transitive) To convene, to cause to assemble for a meeting.
convoke v. To call together.
CONVOKE v. to cause to assemble.
CORVINEcorvine adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of crows or ravens.
CORVINE adj. pertaining to the crow family of birds.
COVENTScovents n. Plural of covent.
COVENT n. (archaic) a convent, also CONVENT.
COVINESCOVINE n. a conspiracy between two or more people to act to the injury of another, also COVIN, COVYNE.
COVYNESCOVYNE n. a conspiracy between two or more people to act to the injury of another, also COVIN, COVINE.
INVOICEinvoice n. A bill; a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer indicating the products, quantities and…
invoice n. The lot or set of goods as shipped or received.
invoice n. (Generally of a vehicle) The price which a seller or dealer pays the manufacturer for goods to be sold.
NOVICESnovices n. Plural of novice.
NOVICE n. a person new to any field or activity.
UNCOVERuncover v. To remove a cover from.
uncover v. To reveal the identity of.
uncover v. To show openly; to disclose; to reveal.
UNVOICEunvoice v. (Transitive, linguistics) devoice.
UNVOICE v. to deprive of voice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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