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There are 17 seven-letter words containing C, E, 2I and M

CIMELIAcimelia n. (Rare) Treasures; things considered valuable.
CIMELIA n. (Latin) treasures in storage.
CIMICEScimices n. Plural of cimex.
CIMEX n. (Latin) a bedbug.
CIMIERScimiers n. Plural of cimier.
CIMIER n. (French) the crest of a helmet; a removable heraldic device or favour of courtly love.
CREMINIcremini n. Alternative spelling of crimini.
CREMINI n. a dark brown edible mushroom, also CRIMINI.
CRIMINEcrimine interj. Alternative form of criminy.
CRIMINE interj. (archaic) an interjection expressing surprise or impatience, also CRIMINY.
DIMERICdimeric adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or being a dimer.
DIMERIC adj. composed of two parts, also DIMEROUS.
EMPIRICempiric adj. Empirical.
empiric n. (Historical) A member of a sect of ancient physicians who based their theories solely on experience.
empiric n. Someone who is guided by empiricism; an empiricist.
EPICISMepicism n. A word, phrase, etc. characteristic of epic poetry.
EPICISM n. epic quality.
MEIOTICmeiotic adj. Of or pertaining to meiosis.
MEIOTIC adj. exhibiting meiosis, deliberate understatement.
MENISCImenisci n. Plural of meniscus.
MENISCUS n. (Greek) a crescent-shaped body.
MICKIESmickies n. Plural of micky.
MICKY n. an Irishman, also MICK.
MIMETICmimetic adj. Exhibiting mimesis.
mimetic adj. Imitative.
mimetic n. Something mimetic or imitative.
MINCIERmincier adj. Comparative form of mincy: more mincy.
MINCY adj. affectedly dainty.
MISCITEmiscite v. To cite erroneously.
MISCITE v. to cite wrongly.
SEISMICseismic adj. Related to, or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the Earth.
seismic adj. (Figuratively) Of very large or widespread effect.
seismic adj. (Of a place) Subject to earthquakes.
TITMICEtitmice n. Plural of titmouse.
TITMOUSE n. any of various small birds of the tit genus, also TITMOSE.
VIREMICviremic adj. Alternative form of viraemic.
viremic n. Alternative form of viraemic.
VIREMIC adj. pertaining to viraemia, also VIRAEMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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