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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing C, D, H, O and S

BODACHSbodachs n. Plural of bodach.
BODACH n. (Gaelic) an old man, a churl; a goblin or spectre.
CHADORSchadors n. Plural of chador.
CHADOR n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADAR, CHADDAR, CHADDOR, CHUDDAH, CHUDDAR, CHUDDER.
CHOUSEDchoused v. Simple past tense and past participle of chouse.
CHOUSE v. to swindle, also CHOWSE.
CHOWSEDchowsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chowse.
CHOWSE v. to swindle, also CHOUSE.
CODFISHcodfish n. (Countable) A cod (the fish).
codfish n. (Uncountable) The flesh of the cod as food.
CODFISH n. a marine food-fish.
COHEADScoheads n. Plural of cohead.
COHEAD v. to head jointly.
COLDISHcoldish adj. Somewhat cold.
COLDISH adj. somewhat cold.
COWSHEDcowshed n. A shed or barn for keeping cows.
COWSHED n. a shelter for cows.
DOUCHESdouches n. Plural of douche.
douches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of douche.
DOUCHE v. to cleanse with a jet of water.
DROICHSDROICH n. (Gaelic) a dwarf.
HOCUSEDhocused v. Simple past tense and past participle of hocus.
HOCUS v. to deceive or cheat.
ORCHIDSorchids n. Plural of orchid.
ORCHID n. any plant or flower of the Orchidaceae, a family of monocotyledons, including many tropical epiphytes.
SCHRODSSCHROD n. a young cod, also SCROD.
SHOCKEDshocked adj. Surprised, startled, confused, or taken aback, particularly when also indignant.
shocked adj. (Medicine) Suffering from shock.
shocked adj. (Physics) Affected, altered, or transformed by one or more shock waves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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