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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing C, D, G, I and O

CODDINGcodding v. Present participle of cod.
codding adj. (Obsolete) lustful.
Codding prop.n. A surname from German.
CODINGScodings n. Plural of coding.
CODING n. the act of coding.
CODLINGcodling n. A young small cod.
codling n. A hake (cod-related food fish), notably from the genus Urophycis.
codling v. Present participle of codle.
COIGNEDCOIGNE v. to secure with a type of wedge, also COIGN.
CONDIGNcondign adj. (Rare) Fitting, appropriate, deserved, especially denoting punishment.
CONDIGN adj. deserved, appropriate.
CORDINGcording n. Decorative cord, often wrapped in colored fabric or foil.
cording n. The resultant decoration, or the act of decorating with cording.
cording v. Present participle of cord.
DOCKINGdocking v. Present participle of dock.
docking n. The process of cutting off or trimming the tail or ears of an animal.
docking n. (Nautical) The securing of a vessel to the quayside with cables.
DOOCINGDOOCE v. to dismiss (an employee) as a result of unguarded remarks published on the World Wide Web.
ERGODICergodic adj. (Mathematics, physics) Of or relating to certain systems that, given enough time, will eventually return…
ergodic adj. (Statistics, engineering) Of or relating to a process in which every sequence or sample of sufficient…
ergodic adj. (Literature, information science) Of or relating to a literary work that requires nontrivial effort…
GLOCHIDglochid n. A small, detachable, irritant spine occurring in dense clusters in the areoles of certain cacti such…
GLOCHID n. (Greek) a barbed hair on some plants, like cactus.
GONADICgonadic adj. Relating to the gonads.
GONADIC adj. pertaining to the gonad, also GONADAL, GONADIAL.
GONIDICGONIDIC adj. pertaining to gonidia, algal cells in lichen, also GONIDIAL.
LINGCODlingcod n. Ophiodon elongatus, a fish of the greenlings, of the family Hexagrammidae, native to the west coast of North America.
LINGCOD n. a marine food fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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