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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2C, H, O and R

CAROACHCAROACH n. a stately carriage, also CAROCHE, CAROCH, CARROCH.
CAROCHEcaroche n. (Obsolete) A form of stately carriage or chariot.
CAROCHE n. (French) a stately carriage, also CAROACH, CAROCH, CARROCH.
CARROCHCARROCH n. a stately carriage, also CAROCHE, CAROACH, CAROCH.
CHICORYchicory n. (Countable) Either of two plants of the Asteraceae family.
chicory n. (Uncountable, cooking) A coffee substitute made from the roasted roots of the common chicory, sometimes…
CHICORY n. succory, a blue-flowered composite plant, also CHICCORY, CHICKORY.
CHLORICchloric adj. (Chemistry) Of a compound, containing chlorine with a higher oxidation number than equivalent chlorous…
CHLORIC adj. of, containing or derived from chlorine.
CHOCKERchocker adj. (UK, informal) Tightly packed, especially with people.
CHOCKER adj. (Australian slang) full up; fed up, also CHOCKERS.
CHOICERchoicer adj. Comparative form of choice: more choice.
CHOICE adj. of fine quality.
CHOREICchoreic adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting chorea.
choreic n. One who has chorea.
CHOREIC adj. relating to chorea.
CHROMICchromic adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or containing chromium, especially in oxidation state 3.
CHROMIC adj. pertaining to, or obtained from, chromium.
CHRONICchronic adj. Of a problem, that continues over an extended period of time.
chronic adj. (Medicine) Prolonged or slow to heal.
chronic adj. Of a person, suffering from an affliction that is prolonged or slow to heal.
COACHERcoacher n. A person who coaches or gives instruction; a coach.
coacher n. (Obsolete) A coachman.
coacher n. A coach horse.
COCHAIRcochair n. Someone who serves as the chair of a meeting or organization together with one or more other chairs.
cochair v. (Transitive) To chair (a meeting) jointly.
co-chair n. One of a group of chairpersons.
COUCHERcoucher n. One who couches.
coucher n. (Papermaking) One who couches paper.
coucher n. (UK, law, obsolete) A factor or agent resident in a country for traffic.
CROCHEScroches n. Plural of croche.
CROCHE n. (French) a knob at the top of a deer's horn.
CROCHETcrochet n. Needlework made by looping thread with a hooked needle.
crochet n. A certain crest of enamel on the molar teeth of some rhinoceroses.
crochet v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make (a piece of) needlework using a hooked needle; to make interlocking…
ECORCHEécorché n. (Art) A figure drawn, painted or sculpted so as to show the muscles of the body without skin.
ECORCHE n. (French) a manikin, or image, representing an animal, esp. man, with the skin removed so that the muscles are exposed for purposes of study.
SCROOCHscrooch v. (Intransitive) To crouch, or hunker down.
SCROOCH v. to crouch, also SCROOTCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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