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There are 19 six-letter words containing C, E, L, R and S

CARLEScarles n. Plural of carle.
CARLE n. a rude, rustic man; a churl, also CARL, CARLOT.
CEORLSceorls n. Plural of ceorl.
CEORL n. (Old English) in Anglo-Saxon England, a freeman of the lowest rank, also CHURL.
CLEARSclears v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of clear.
clears n. A relatively strong, coarse flour that has only been sifted once.
CLEAR v. to remove obstruction.
CLERKSclerks n. Plural of clerk.
clerks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of clerk.
Clerks prop.n. Plural of Clerk.
CLOSERcloser adj. Comparative form of close: more close.
closer n. Someone or something that closes.
closer n. Someone or something that concludes.
CREELScreels n. Plural of creel.
Creels prop.n. Plural of Creel.
CREEL v. to put fish in a fish basket.
CRESOLcresol n. (Chemistry) Any of the three isomeric phenols derived from toluene: ortho-, meta- or para-methylphenol.
CRESOL n. a compound found in tar and creosote, used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, aka cresylic acid.
CRESYLcresyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) Any of three isomeric univalent radical derived from a cresol; tolyl.
CRESYL n. an isomeric radical derived from cresol.
CRUELScruels n. Glandular scrofulous swellings in the neck.
CRUELS n. (Scots) scrofula, the King's Evil, also CREWELS, CRUELLS.
ESCROLescrol n. Alternative form of escroll.
ESCROL n. a heraldic scroll, also ESCROLL.
LACERSlacers n. Plural of lacer.
LACER n. one that laces.
LUCRESLUCRE n. sordid gain; riches.
RECALSRECAL v. to call back, also RECALL.
RELICSrelics n. Plural of relic.
relics v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of relic.
RELIC n. a surviving memorial of something past, also RELIQUE.
SCALERscaler n. An electronic circuit that aggregates many signals into one.
scaler n. An electronic or computer system that adjusts the size of a signal or graphic to fit on a screen etc.
scaler n. One who scales.
SCLERAsclera n. (Anatomy) The white of the eye; the tough outer coat of the eye that covers the eyeball except for the cornea.
SCLERA n. (Greek) the outermost membrane of the eyeball.
SCLEREsclere n. (Zoology) A skeletal element in sponges.
SCLERE n. a sponge spicule.
SLICERslicer n. Someone or something that slices.
slicer n. A broad, flat knife.
slicer n. A slicing cucumber.
ULCERSulcers n. Plural of ulcer.
ULCER v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCERATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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