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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing C, E, H, I and L

CHESILchesil n. Alternative form of chessil.
CHESIL n. shingle, gravel.
CHICLEchicle n. The milky latex of the sapodilla tree, used after coagulation as the principal ingredient of chewing gum.
CHICLE n. (Nahuatl) the coagulated latex of the sapodilla, which forms the basis of chewing-gum.
CHIELDchield n. (Scotland) A man; a fellow, chap.
CHIELD n. (Scots) a man, a lad, also CHIEL.
CHIELSchiels n. Plural of chiel.
CHIEL n. (Scots) a man, a lad, also CHIELD.
CHILDEchilde n. A child of noble birth.
childe n. The cognomen given to the oldest son prior to his taking his father’s title.
Childe prop.n. A surname.
CHILESchiles n. Plural of chile.
Chiles prop.n. A surname.
CHILE n. (Nahuatl) the (dried) red pod of a Capsicum pepper used in sauces, relishes, etc., and made into a hot cayenne, also CHILI, CHILLI.
CHISELchisel n. A cutting tool used to remove parts of stone, wood or metal by pushing or pounding the back when the…
chisel v. (Intransitive) To use a chisel.
chisel v. (Transitive) To work something with a chisel.
CLICHEcliche n. Alternative form of cliché.
cliche v. Alternative form of cliché.
cliché n. Something, most often a phrase or expression, that is overused or used outside its original context…
ELCHISelchis n. Plural of elchi.
ELCHI n. (Turkish) an ambassador, also ELCHEE, ELTCHI.
ELICHEeliche n. Pasta spirals.
ELICHE n. (Italian) spiral-shaped pasta.
ELTCHIeltchi n. Alternative form of elchi.
ELTCHI n. (Turkish) an ambassador, also ELCHI, ELCHEE.
HELIACheliac adj. Alternative form of heliacal.
heliac n. A stellarator in which the magnetic axis (and plasma) follows a helical path to form a toroidal helix…
HELIAC adj. pertaining to the sun, also HELIACAL.
LICHEElichee n. Alternative form of lychee.
LICHEE n. (Chinese) a tropical fruit, also LEECHEE, LICHI, LITCHI, LYCHEE.
LICHENlichen n. Any of many symbiotic organisms, being associations of algae and fungi, often found as white or yellow-to-blue–green…
lichen n. (Figurative) Something which gradually spreads across something else, causing damage.
LICHEN n. a compound plant consisting of a fungus and an alga living symbiotically.
LICHESliches n. Plural of lich.
LICH n. (obsolete) a corpse, also LYCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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