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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing C, D, N, O and R

CANDORcandor n. (Obsolete) Whiteness; brilliance; purity.
candor n. The state of being sincere and open in speech; honesty in expression.
candor n. Impartiality.
CARDONcardon n. Any of several large columnar cacti mostly of the genus Cereus.
Cardon prop.n. A surname.
CARDON n. a variety of cactus, native to Mexico.
CONDERconder n. One who conns (conds) a ship; a conning officer.
conder n. Synonym of balker (“one who signals to fishing boats the location of shoals of fish”).
Conder prop.n. A surname.
CONDORcondor n. Either of two New World vultures, Vultur gryphus of the Andes or Gymnogyps californianus, a nearly extinct…
condor n. A gold coin of some South American countries bearing the figure of one of these vultures.
condor n. An Argentinian short range ballistic missile.
CORDONcordon n. (Archaic) A ribbon normally worn diagonally across the chest as a decoration or insignia of rank etc.
cordon n. A line of people or things placed around an area to enclose or protect it.
cordon n. (Cricket) The arc of fielders on the off side, behind the batsman - the slips and gully.
CORNEDcorned adj. Consisting of grains; granulated.
corned adj. (Of meat) preserved in salt.
corned adj. (Slang, obsolete) Drunk.
DACRONdacron n. A polymer, polyethylene terephthalate PET, as used for making thread and cloth.
Dacron n. Alternative letter-case form of dacron.
DACRON n. a synthetic polyester textile fiber.
NORDICnordic adj. Of or relating to cross-country skiing.
nordic adj. (Rare) Alternative spelling of Nordic.
Nordic adj. Of or relating to the Nordic countries.
UNCORDuncord v. (Transitive) To release from cords; to unbind.
UNCORD v. to free from cords.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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