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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing C, M and 3T

ANTASTHMATICantasthmatic adj. (Pharmacology) Relieving the symptoms of asthma.
antasthmatic n. (Pharmacology) Drug that relieves the symptoms of asthma.
ANTASTHMATIC n. an agent that counteracts asthma, also ANTIASTHMATIC.
ANTIMITOTICSantimitotics n. Plural of antimitotic.
ANTIMITOTIC n. an agent that inhibits or disrupts mitosis.
AUTOMATICITYautomaticity n. The ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low level details required.
automaticity n. (Medicine) The ability of the heart muscles to contract independently of each other when separated or…
automaticity n. The process of one thing automatically following another.
CATHETOMETERcathetometer n. An instrument used to measure small vertical distances, such as the levels of liquid in tubes.
CATHETOMETER n. an instrument for measuring short vertical distances.
CONTENTMENTScontentments n. Plural of contentment.
CONTENTMENT n. the state of being contented.
COTTONMOUTHScottonmouths n. Plural of cottonmouth.
COTTONMOUTH n. a venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern US.
CURETTEMENTScurettements n. Plural of curettement.
CURETTEMENT n. the act of curetting.
INTERMITOTICintermitotic adj. (Cytology) Between periods of mitosis.
INTERMITOTIC adj. occurring or existing between mitoses; capable of dividing again.
METATHETICALmetathetical adj. (Linguistics) Exhibiting metathesis.
METATHETICAL adj. relating to metathesis, also METATHETIC.
METATUNGSTICMETATUNGSTIC adj. as in metatungstic acid, an acid of tungsten.
MULTICOSTATEmulticostate adj. Having multiple ribs.
MULTICOSTATE adj. having many ribs.
REATTACHMENTreattachment n. The act of reattaching; a second or subsequent attachment.
REATTACHMENT n. the act of reattaching.
STACTOMETERSstactometers n. Plural of stactometer.
STACTOMETER n. a pipette with a hollow bulb in the middle for counting drops, also STAKTOMETER.
TETRACHOTOMYtetrachotomy n. Division of a whole into four parts.
tetrachotomy n. (Logic) Quaternary classification.
tetrachotomy n. Tetralemma.
THERMOSTATICthermostatic adj. Having or maintaining a consistent temperature.
thermostatic adj. (Physiology) Relating to thermostasis.
THERMOSTATIC adj. relating to thermal equilibrium.
THERMOTACTICthermotactic adj. Relating to thermotaxis.
THERMOTACTIC adj. of or showing thermotaxis, also THERMOTAXIC.
THIGMOTACTICthigmotactic adj. Relating to thigmotaxis.
THIGMOTACTIC adj. showing thigmotaxis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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