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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing C, F, R, S and V

ACRIFLAVINESacriflavines n. Plural of acriflavine.
ACRIFLAVINE n. an antiseptic, also ACRIFLAVIN.
AFFRICATIVESaffricatives n. Plural of affricative.
AFFRICATIVE n. a sound like an affricate.
EFFERVESCENTeffervescent adj. (Of a liquid) Giving off bubbles; fizzy.
effervescent adj. Vivacious and enthusiastic.
EFFERVESCENT adj. frothing, bubbling.
EFFERVESCINGeffervescing v. Present participle of effervesce.
effervescing n. Effervescence.
EFFERVESCE v. to bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes.
FRUCTIVOROUSfructivorous adj. Fruit-eating.
FRUCTIVOROUS adj. feeding on fruit.
OVERCLASSIFYoverclassify v. (Transitive) To classify excessively.
OVERCLASSIFY v. to classify to excess.
OVERFOCUSINGoverfocusing v. Present participle of overfocus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
OVERFOCUSSEDoverfocussed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfocus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
OVERFOCUSSESoverfocusses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfocus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
VERSIFICATORversificator n. Someone who writes verse; a poet.
VERSIFICATOR n. a maker of verses, also VERSIFIER.
VINIFICATORSvinificators n. Plural of vinificator.
VINIFICATOR n. a condensing device that collects the alcoholic vapour produced by the fermentation.
VOCIFERATORSvociferators n. Plural of vociferator.
VOCIFERATOR n. one who vociferates.
VOCIFEROSITYvociferosity n. Vociferousness.
VOCIFEROSITY n. the state of being vociferous.
VOCIFEROUSLYvociferously adv. In a vociferous manner.
VOCIFEROUS adv. marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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