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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2C, N, O and Z

CINCHONIZINGcinchonizing v. Present participle of cinchonize.
CINCHONIZE v. to treat with cinchona or quinine, also CINCHONISE.
CONCERTIZINGconcertizing v. Present participle of concertize.
CONCERTIZE v. to perform professionally in concerts, also CONCERTISE.
CONCRETIZINGconcretizing v. Present participle of concretize.
CONCRETIZE v. to render concrete, realize, also CONCRETISE.
CONSCIENTIZEconscientize v. To make aware of a social or political issue or idea.
CONSCIENTIZE v. to make (someone) aware of political and social rights, also CONSCIENTISE.
CUCKOLDIZINGcuckoldizing v. Present participle of cuckoldize.
CUCKOLDIZE v. to make a cuckold of, also CUCKOLDISE.
CYCLAZOCINEScyclazocines n. Plural of cyclazocine.
CYCLAZOCINE n. a synthetic drug protecting against the addictive effects of the morphine group.
CYCLIZATIONScyclizations n. Plural of cyclization.
CYCLIZATION n. the formation of a ring in a chemical compound, also CYCLISATION.
INCOGNIZANCEincognizance n. Failure to cognize, apprehend, or notice.
INCOGNIZANCE n. failure to recognise, also INCOGNISANCE.
RECOGNIZANCErecognizance n. (Law) a form of bail; a promise made by the accused to the court that they will attend all required…
recognizance n. A token; a symbol; a pledge.
recognizance n. Acknowledgment of a person or thing; avowal; profession; recognition.
ZINCOGRAPHICzincographic adj. Of or pertaining to zincography.
ZINCOGRAPHIC adj. relating to zincography, an engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched, also ZINCOGRAPHICAL.
ZOOTECHNICALzootechnical adj. Of or pertaining to zootechny.
ZOOTECHNICAL adj. of or relating to the technology of animal husbandry.
ZYMOTECHNICSzymotechnics n. The science or technology of fermentation.
ZYMOTECHNICS n. the art of managing fermentation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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