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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 2C, F and 2L

CYCLOOLEFINScycloolefins n. Plural of cycloolefin.
CYCLOOLEFIN n. a hydrocarbon containing a ring having one or more double bonds.
DEFLOCCULANTdeflocculant n. A deflocculating agent.
DEFLOCCULANT n. an agent that deflocculates.
DEFLOCCULATEdeflocculate v. To disperse an agglomerate into fine particles and form a colloid.
DEFLOCCULATE v. to deprive of flocculation.
FASCICULARLYfascicularly adv. Having, or in terms of, fascicles.
FLOCCULATINGflocculating v. Present participle of flocculate.
FLOCCULATE v. to collect or mass together in tufts or masses.
FLOCCULATIONflocculation n. A condition in which clays, polymers or other small charged particles become attached and form a fragile…
FLOCCULATION n. the act of flocculating.
FLOCCULATORSflocculators n. Plural of flocculator.
FLOCCULATOR n. one who flocculates.
FLOCCULENCESFLOCCULENCE n. the state of being flocculent.
FLOCCULENTLYflocculently adv. In a flocculent manner.
FLOCCULENT adv. clothed with small flocks or flakes; woolly.
SPECIFICALLYspecifically adv. In a specific manner, applying to or naming a particular thing or things, expressly, explicitly.
specifically adv. For a specific purpose or reason.
SPECIFICAL adv. for a particular purpose, also SPECIFIC.
SUCCESSFULLYsuccessfully adv. In a successful manner; with success; without failing.
SUCCESSFUL adv. resulting or terminating in success.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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