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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing C, 2M, O and P

COMPENDIUMcompendium n. A short, complete summary; an abstract.
compendium n. A list or collection of various items.
COMPENDIUM n. (Latin) an assortment, a varied collection.
COMPLEMENTcomplement n. (Now rare) Something (or someone) that completes; the consummation.
complement n. (Obsolete) The act of completing something, or the fact of being complete; completion, completeness, fulfilment.
complement n. The totality, the full amount or number which completes something.
COMPLIMENTcompliment n. An expression of praise, congratulation, or respect.
compliment n. (Uncountable) Complimentary language; courtesy, flattery.
compliment n. Misspelling of complement.
COMPLUVIUMcompluvium n. (Architecture) A space left unroofed over the court of a dwelling in Ancient Rome, through which the…
COMPLUVIUM n. (Latin) a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling, through which the rain fell into the impluvium or cistern.
COMPROMISEcompromise n. The settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions.
compromise n. A committal to something derogatory or objectionable; a prejudicial concession; a surrender.
compromise n. (Computer security) A breach of a computer or network’s rules such that an unauthorized disclosure or…
EMMETROPICemmetropic adj. Pertaining to emmetropia.
EMMETROPIC adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, emmetropia.
LUMPECTOMYlumpectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of a tumour or cyst from a breast.
LUMPECTOMY n. the surgical removal of a lump, esp. in the breast, aka tylectomy.
MACROPRISMmacroprism n. A prism of an orthorhombic crystal between the macropinacoid and the unit prism; the corresponding pyramids…
MACROPRISM n. in crystallography, a prism parallel to the macrodiagonal.
MICROPRISMmicroprism n. Any of many very small prisms used, either to form a reflective surface, or to form an area in a camera’s…
MICROPRISM n. a tiny prism used as a focusing aid on a single-lens reflex camera.
MICROPUMPSmicropumps n. Plural of micropump.
MICROPUMP n. a miniature pump inserted under the skin to administer a drug.
MISCOMPUTEmiscompute n. An erroneous computation.
miscompute v. To compute erroneously.
MISCOMPUTE v. to compute erroneously.
MORPHEMICSmorphemics n. (Linguistics) The study of morphemes, or of the morphemic structure of a language.
MORPHEMICS n. the study of morphemes.
MYCOPLASMAmycoplasma n. Any infectious bacterium of the genus Mycoplasma, often specifically Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Mycoplasma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Mycoplasmataceae – bacteria that lack cell walls.
MYCOPLASMA n. a member of the Mycoplasma, a variety of pathogenic agents apparently neither viruses not true bacteria.
PANCOSMISMpancosmism n. (Philosophy) The belief that nothing exists except the physical and temporal universe.
PANCOSMISM n. the theory that the material universe is all that exists.
PANTOMIMICpantomimic adj. Of or relating to pantomime.
PANTOMIMIC adj. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMICAL.
PROCAMBIUMprocambium n. (Botany) A meristem that lies just inside the protoderm and develops into primary xylem and primary phloem.
PROCAMBIUM n. the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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