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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 3C and 2I

BICYCLICALbicyclical adj. Bicyclic.
BICYCLICAL adj. having two rings of atoms in a molecule, also BICYCLIC.
BOCCONCINIbocconcini n. Small pieces of mozzarella cheese.
bocconcini n. Small chunks of any suitable foodstuff.
BOCCONCINI n. (Italian) small pieces of mozzarella cheese, also BOCONCINI.
CAPPUCCINIcappuccini n. (Less common) plural of cappuccino.
CAPPUCCINO n. (Italian) black coffee with a little milk.
CAPRICCIOScapriccios n. Plural of capriccio.
CAPRICCIO n. (Italian) a free form musical composition.
CHICCORIESchiccories n. Plural of chiccory.
CHICCORY n. succory, a blue-flowered composite plant, also CHICKORY, CHICORY.
CICATRICEScicatrices n. Plural of cicatrix.
cicatrices n. Plural of cicatrice.
CICATRIX n. (Latin) the scar of a healed wound, burn, etc., also CICATRICE.
CICATRICLEcicatricle n. (Biology) The germinating point in the embryo of a seed.
cicatricle n. (Biology) The point in the yolk of an egg at which development begins.
CICATRICLE n. a white spot, the germinating point in the yolk of an egg, also CICATRICHULE, CICATRICULA.
CIRCUMCISEcircumcise v. To surgically remove the foreskin (prepuce) from a penis.
circumcise v. (Sometimes proscribed) To surgically remove the clitoris (clitoridectomy), clitoral hood, or labia.
circumcise v. (Military, nautical, slang) To trim off the portion of the barrel liner of a large-caliber naval gun…
COCCIDIANScoccidians n. Plural of coccidian.
COCCIDIAN n. any of a group of parasitic protozoa.
COLCHICINEcolchicine n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A highly toxic alkaloid, chemical formula C22H25NO6, originally extracted…
COLCHICINE n. a toxic yellow alkaloid, present esp. in colchicum corms, which is used to treat gout.
CYCLICISMSCYCLICISM n. the state of being cyclic, also CYCLICITY.
CYSTICERCIcysticerci n. Plural of cysticercus.
CYSTICERCUS n. the larval stage of many tapeworms.
DIPLOCOCCIdiplococci n. Plural of diplococcus.
DIPLOCOCCUS n. a coccus that divides by fission, the two resulting individuals remaining paired.
HEMICYCLICHEMICYCLIC adj. of or like a hemicycle, a half circle; a semicircle.
LACCOLITIClaccolitic adj. Of or relating to laccoliths.
LACCOLITIC adj. of or like a laccolite, a mass of igneous rock intruded between two sedimentary beds.
MICROCOCCImicrococci n. Plural of micrococcus.
MICROCOCCUS n. a small spherical bacterium.
MICROCYTICmicrocytic adj. Of or pertaining to microcytes.
MICROCYTIC adj. of or like a microcyte.
PERICYCLICpericyclic adj. (Botany) Of or relating to a pericycle.
pericyclic adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to a pericyclic reaction.
PERICYCLIC adj. relating to the pericycle, the outermost layer or layers of the central cylinder.
TRICYCLICStricyclics n. Plural of tricyclic.
TRICYCLIC n. a tricyclic drug, used as an antidepressant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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