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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing C, 2M and Y

CHUMMILYchummily adv. In a chummy manner.
CHUMMY adv. friendly.
CLAMMILYclammily adv. In a clammy manner.
CLAMMY adv. unpleasantly damp.
COMMONEYCOMMONEY n. an ordinary playing marble.
COMMONLYcommonly adv. As a rule; frequently; usually.
commonly adv. (Obsolete) in common; familiarly.
COMMON adv. ordinary.
COMSYMPScomsymps n. Plural of comsymp.
COMSYMP n. (offensive) one that sympathizes with communist causes.
CRUMMILYcrummily adv. In a crummy way.
CRUMMY adv. mean, despicable, also CRUMMIE.
CYMATIUMcymatium n. (Architecture) A molding on the cornice.
cymatium n. (Architecture) A type of molding that is wavelike in form.
CYMATIUM n. (Latin) a curved moulding, also CYMA.
CYMBALOMcymbalom n. Alternative form of cimbalom.
CYMBALOM n. a kind of Hungarian dulcimer, also CIMBALOM.
EMPYEMICempyemic adj. Relating to an empyema.
EMPYEMIC adj. relating to empyema, a collection of pus in any cavity, esp. the pleura.
GIMMICKYgimmicky adj. Resembling, or characteristic of a gimmick.
gimmicky adj. Containing gimmicks.
GIMMICKY adj. having or being like a gimmick.
HUMMOCKYhummocky adj. Having hummocks.
HUMMOCKY adj. abounding in hummocks.
MERYCISMmerycism n. (Pathology) rumination syndrome.
MERYCISM n. a rare condition in which food is returned to the mouth after a short period in the stomach.
MYCELIUMmycelium n. The vegetative part of any fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae, often underground.
MYCELIUM n. (Greek) the white threads or filamentous growth from which a mushroom or fungus is developed, also MYCELE.
MYCETOMAmycetoma n. (Medicine) Chronic subcutaneous inflammation caused by infection with certain bacteria or fungi.
MYCETOMA n. a chronic fungus infection leading to nodules that discharge oily pus.
MYOMANCYmyomancy n. Divination by interpreting rats or mice. Their cries were believed to indicate the presence of evil.
MYOMANCY n. divination from the movements of mice.
SCAMMONYscammony n. Convolvulus scammonia, a twining perennial bindweed native to the eastern part of the Mediterranean…
scammony n. The cathartic gum resin obtained from this plant.
SCAMMONY n. (Greek) a climbing plant.
SCUMMILYscummily adv. In a scummy manner.
SCUMMY adv. covered with scum, dirty, unpleasant.
TOMMYCODtommycod n. Synonym of tomcod (“the fish Microgadus tomcod”).
TOMMYCOD n. a kind of cod, also TOMCOD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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