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There are 17 seven-letter words containing C, T, U and V

AUTOVACautovac n. (Automotive, historical) A device that uses vacuum to raise fuel from the main tank to a small auxiliary…
AUTOVAC n. a vacuum mechanism in a car for raising petrol to a higher tank so that it may flow by gravity into the carburettor.
COUVERTcouvert n. Cover charge.
COUVERT n. (French) a cover (at table).
CULVERTculvert n. A channel crossing under a road or railway for the draining of water.
culvert v. To channel (a stream of water) through a culvert.
CULVERT v. to channel a stream through an arched construction or channel enclosing a drain or watercourse beneath a road, railway, etc.
CURVATEcurvate adj. Bent in a regular form; curved.
CURVATE adj. curved, also CURVATED.
CURVETScurvets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of curvet.
CURVET v. to leap, frisk.
CURVITYcurvity n. The state of being curved; a bending in a regular form; crookedness.
CURVITY n. the state of being curved.
CUTOVERcutover adj. Having been cleared of valuable timber.
cutover n. An area of cutover land.
cutover n. The discontinuity that occurs when switching from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar.
CUVETTEcuvette n. A pot, bucket, or basin, in which molten plate glass is carried from the melting pot to the casting table.
cuvette n. (Military) a cunette.
cuvette n. (Analytical chemistry) a small vessel with at least two flat and transparent sides, used to hold a liquid…
OVERCUTovercut v. (Transitive) To cut excessively.
overcut adj. (Participial adjective) Excessively cut.
overcut n. The act or result of excessive cutting.
OVIDUCToviduct n. (Anatomy) A duct through which an ovum passes from an ovary to the uterus or to the exterior.
OVIDUCT n. a tube through which ova travel from an ovary.
UVEITICuveitic adj. Relating to uveitis.
UVEITIC adj. pertaining to the uvea, the posterior pigment-bearing layer of the pupil of the eye.
VACATURvacatur n. (Law) An announcement in court that something is cancelled or set aside; an annulment.
VACATUR n. (Latin) the act of annulling in law.
VACUATEvacuate v. To empty; to clear out.
VACUATE v. (obsolete) to make void, or empty, also EVACUATE.
VACUISTvacuist n. (Philosophy) One who holds the doctrine that the space between the bodies of the universe, or the molecules…
VACUIST n. one who thinks there are empty spaces in nature.
VACUITYvacuity n. Emptiness.
vacuity n. Physical emptiness, an absence of matter; vacuum.
vacuity n. Idleness; listlessness.
VIADUCTviaduct n. (Transport) A bridge with several spans that carries road or rail traffic over a valley or other obstacles.
VIADUCT n. a structure carrying a road or railway over a valley, etc.
VICTUALvictual n. (Archaic) Food fit for human (or occasionally animal) consumption.
victual n. (Archaic, chiefly in the plural) Food supplies; provisions.
victual n. (Specifically, obsolete).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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