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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing C, G, H and L

CLAUGHTCLAUGHT v. (Scots) to snatch, also CLAUCHT.
CLEUGHScleughs n. Plural of cleugh.
CLEUGH n. (Scots) a ravine, a gully, also CLEUCH, CLOUGH.
CLOUGHScloughs n. Plural of clough.
CLOUGH n. a ravine, also CLEUCH, CLEUGH.
GALOCHEgaloche n. Alternative spelling of galosh.
GALOCHE v. to provide (a shoe, etc.) with a galosh.
GLITCHYglitchy adj. Prone to glitches.
glitchy adj. Characteristic of glitch or error.
GLITCHY adj. characterised by glitches.
GLOCHIDglochid n. A small, detachable, irritant spine occurring in dense clusters in the areoles of certain cacti such…
GLOCHID n. (Greek) a barbed hair on some plants, like cactus.
GLYPHICglyphic adj. Carved, sculpted.
glyphic adj. Pertaining to glyphs.
glyphic n. A glyph.
GULCHEDgulched v. Simple past tense and past participle of gulch.
GULCH v. to swallow greedily.
GULCHESgulches n. Plural of gulch.
gulches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gulch.
GULCH v. to swallow greedily.
LECHINGleching v. Present participle of lech.
LECH v. to engage in lechery, also LETCH.
MILCHIGmilchig adj. (Judaism, of food) Dairy, containing anything derived from milk.
milchig adj. (Judaism, of kitchenware) Designate for use with dairy products or having been contaminated by dairy products.
MILCHIG adj. (Yiddish) made of or derived from milk or dairy products, also MILCHIK.
SCHLONGschlong n. (Vulgar, slang) A penis, especially a long one.
schlong v. (Vulgar, slang) To engage in sexual intercourse (with); to fuck.
schlong v. (By extension) To beat, whack, or attack.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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