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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2C, P and U

CAPOUCHcapouch n. Alternative form of capoch.
CAPOUCH n. a cloak hood, also CAPUCCIO, CAPUCHE.
CAPUCHEcapuche n. A long, pointed hood, as that worn by the Augustinians, Capuchins or Franciscans.
CAPUCHE n. a cloak hood, also CAPOUCH, CAPUCCIO.
CATCHUPcatchup n. Ketchup: Alternative form of catsup.
catchup n. Alternative spelling of catch-up.
catch-up n. An act of catching up or attempting to catch up.
CHECKUPcheckup n. A routine visit to the doctor, dentist, or the like.
checkup n. A routine inspection.
check-up n. (Often used attributively) Alternative form of checkup.
COCKUPScockups n. Plural of cockup.
cock-ups n. Plural of cock-up.
COCKUP n. a turned-up part of something.
CONCUPYconcupy n. (Obsolete, nonce word) concupiscence.
concupy n. (Obsolete) concubine.
CONCUPY n. (Shakespeare) a concubine.
CRACKUPcrackup n. A crash or wreck, generally involving a car or airplane.
crack-up n. Alternative spelling of crackup.
crack␣up v. (Idiomatic, intransitive) To laugh heartily.
CUPCAKEcupcake n. A small cake baked in a usually paper container shaped like a cup, often with icing on top.
cupcake n. (Slang) An attractive young woman.
cupcake n. (Slang) A weak or effeminate man.
HICCUPShiccups n. Plural of hiccup.
hiccups n. (Usually with "the") The condition of having the spasms of hiccupping.
hiccups v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hiccup.
HICCUPYhiccupy adj. Characterised by hiccups.
HICCUPY adj. given to hiccuping.
OCCIPUTocciput n. (Chiefly anatomy) The back part of the head or skull.
OCCIPUT n. (Latin) the back part of the skull.
PACHUCOpachuco n. (US, countable) A Mexican American, especially a juvenile delinquent in the Los Angeles area.
pachuco n. (Uncountable) An argot spoken by that group, sometimes known as caló.
PACHUCO n. (Spanish) a flashy Mexican-American youth.
PUCCOONpuccoon n. (Countable, botany) Any one of several plants yielding a red pigment which is used by the North American…
puccoon n. (Uncountable) The red pigment (dye) obtained from these plants.
PUCCOON n. (Native American) a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka bloodroot, redroot.
UPCATCHUPCATCH v. to catch up.
UPCHUCKupchuck n. (Informal) Vomit.
upchuck v. (Informal) To vomit.
UPCHUCK v. to vomit.
UPCYCLEupcycle v. (Transitive) To convert (Waste materials, etc.) into new materials or products of higher quality and…
upcycle v. (Transitive) To promote into a more productive or useful role.
upcycle n. A period of a cycle where something is increasing or improving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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