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There are 20 six-letter words containing C, 2O and P

CLOOPSCLOOP n. the sound of a cork leaving a bottle.
COINOPcoinop adj. Alternative form of coin-op.
coinop n. Alternative form of coin-op.
coin-op adj. Operated by coins.
COLLOPcollop n. (Northern English dialect) A slice of meat.
collop n. (Obsolete) A slice of bacon, a rasher.
collop n. A roll or fold of flesh on the body.
COMPOScompos n. Plural of compo.
compos adj. Compos mentis; of sound mind; sane.
Compos prop.n. Plural of Compo.
COMPOTcompot n. Dated form of compote (“the food”).
COMPOT n. (French) fruit stewed in sugar or syrup, also COMPOTE.
COOPEDcooped v. Simple past tense and past participle of coop.
co-oped v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-op.
COOP v. to confine.
COOPERcooper n. A craftsman who makes and repairs barrels and similar wooden vessels such as casks, buckets and tubs.
cooper n. (Obsolete) A drink of half stout and half porter.
cooper v. (Now rare) To make and repair barrels etc.
COOPTScoopts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coopt.
co-opts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of co-opt.
COOPT v. to recruit e.g. to a committee.
COPLOTcoplot v. (Transitive) To plot (Curves, points, etc.) together.
COPLOT v. to plot together.
COPOUTcopout n. Alternative spelling of cop-out.
cop-out n. (Slang) Avoidance or inadequate performance of a task or duty; the action of copping out.
cop-out n. (Slang) An excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty; a reason offered when someone cops out.
COUPONcoupon n. A section of a ticket, showing the holder to be entitled to some specified accommodation or service…
coupon n. A voucher issued by a manufacturer or retailer which offers a discount on a particular product.
coupon n. (Finance, obsolete) A certificate of interest due, printed at the bottom of transferable bonds (State…
COWPOXcowpox n. A pustular, eruptive skin disease of cattle caused by an Orthopoxvirus, with lesions occurring principally…
COWPOX n. a cattle disease.
COYPOUcoypou n. Archaic form of coypu.
COYPOU n. an aquatic rodent, also COYPU.
OCTOPIoctopi n. (Nonstandard) plural of octopus.
OCTOPUS n. (Greek) a nocturnal eight-armed mollusk.
OPCODEopcode n. (Computing) A mnemonic used to refer to a microprocessor instruction in assembly language.
OPCODE n. a code containing operation instructions for a microprocessor.
PONCHOponcho n. A simple garment, made from a rectangle of cloth, with a slit in the middle for the head.
poncho n. A similar waterproof garment, today typically of rubber with a hood.
PONCHO n. (Spanish) a type of cloak.
POONACpoonac n. A kind of oil cake prepared from the coconut.
POONAC n. (Tamil) a kind of oil cake prepared from the coconut, and fed to cattle.
POONCEpoonce n. (Australia, slang) A male homosexual.
POONCE n. (offensive Australian slang) an effeminate man.
POONCE v. to behave effeminately.
SCOOPSscoops n. Plural of scoop.
scoops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scoop.
SCOOP v. to lift with a spoon-like utensil.
SCROOPscroop v. To produce the a harsh scraping, grating sound, as of friction.
scroop n. A rustling sound like that produced from friction between silk fibers.
SCROOP v. to make a harsh grating sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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