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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing C, 2H and O

AHCHOOahchoo interj. Alternative spelling of achoo.
ah-choo interj. Uncommon spelling of achoo.
AHCHOO interj. expressing a sneeze.
CHOCHOchocho n. (Caribbean) A chayote.
CHOCHO n. the fruit of a tropical vine, similar to cucumber, aka chayote, also CHOKO.
CHOUGHchough n. Either of two species of bird of the genus Pyrrhocorax in the crow family Corvidae that breed mainly…
chough n. The white-winged chough, of genus Corcorax in the Australian mud-nest builders family, Corcoracidae…
CHOUGH n. a kind of jackdaw found in rocky places on the seacoast.
CHOUSHchoush n. (Obsolete) Pronunciation spelling of chiaus.
CHOUSH n. a cheat, a swindler, also CHIAUS, CHOUSE, CHOWSE.
COHOSHcohosh n. A perennial American herb (Caulophyllum thalictroides), the rough rootstock of which is used in medicine.
cohosh n. A smooth herb, Actaea racemosa, marketed for medicinal use.
COHOSH n. a perennial American herb whose rootstock is used in medicine.
HONCHOhoncho n. (Informal) boss, leader.
honcho v. (Transitive, informal, North America) To lead or manage.
HONCHO v. (Japanese) to take charge of.
HOOTCHhootch n. (Archaic) Alternative form of hooch (“type of drink”).
hootch n. Alternative form of hooch (“military shelter”).
HOOTCH n. whisky or any strong liquor, esp. if illicitly acquired, also HOOCH.
SHOCHUshochu n. A Japanese alcoholic beverage, most commonly distilled from barley, sweet potato or rice. Typically…
shōchū n. A Japanese alcoholic beverage, most commonly distilled from barley, sweet potato or rice. Typically…
SHOCHU n. (Japanese) a Japanese liquor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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