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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 6 six-letter words containing C, E, I and Q

CAIQUEcaique n. (Nautical) A small wooden trading vessel, brightly painted and rigged for sail, traditionally used for…
caique n. Any of four (previously two) species of parrot in the genus Pionites.
caïque n. Alternative spelling of caique.
CINQUEcinque n. (Dice games, card games, dominoes) A card, die, or domino with five spots or pips.
Cinque prop.n. A surname from Italian.
CINQUE n. (French) the number five, also CINQ.
CIRQUEcirque n. (Geology) A curved depression in a mountainside with steep walls, forming the end of a valley.
cirque n. (Dated or literary) Something in the shape of a circle or ring, such as a Roman circus.
CIRQUE n. (French) a bowl-shaped depression on a mountain that is carved out by an Alpine glacier.
CLIQUEclique n. A small, exclusive group of individuals, usually according to lifestyle or social status; a cabal.
clique n. (Graph theory) A subgraph isomorphic to a complete graph.
clique n. (Internet) A group of related web sites that link to each other, like a webring but with exclusive membership…
QUICHEquiche n. A pie made primarily of eggs and cream in a pastry crust. Other ingredients such as chopped meat or…
quiche adj. (Slang) Extremely appealing to look at; sexually alluring.
Quiché prop.n. Alternative form of K’iche’.
QUINCEquince n. The pear-shaped fruit of a small tree of the rose family, Cydonia oblonga.
quince n. The deciduous tree bearing such fruit, native to Asia.
quince n. A soft yellow colour, like that of a quince.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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