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There are 17 six-letter words containing C, D, N and S

ASCENDascend v. (Intransitive) To move upward, to fly, to soar.
ascend v. (Intransitive) To slope in an upward direction.
ascend v. (Transitive) To go up.
CANIDScanids n. Plural of canid.
CANID n. a member of the dog family.
CENSEDcensed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cense.
CENSE v. to perfume with incense.
CODEN n. a coding classification.
CODONScodons n. Plural of codon.
CODON n. a triplet of bases in the messenger-RNA molecule, which determines a particular amino-acid in protein synthesis.
CONDOScondos n. Plural of condo.
Condos prop.n. A surname from Greek.
Condos prop.n. Plural of Condo.
DANCESdances n. Plural of dance.
dances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dance.
Dances prop.n. Plural of Dance.
DECANSdecans n. Plural of decan.
DECAN n. one of three equal 10-degree divisions of a sign of the zodiac.
DINICSdinics n. Plural of dinic.
DINIC n. a remedy for dizziness.
DUNCESdunces n. Plural of dunce.
DUNCE n. a stupid person.
NICADSnicads n. Plural of nicad.
NiCads n. Plural of NiCad.
NICAD n. (short for) nickel-cadmium, as applied to batteries.
SCENDSscends n. Plural of scend.
SCEND v. of a ship, to pitch into the trough of the sea, also SEND.
SCENEDscened adj. (In combinations) Having a particular kind or number of scenes.
scened v. Simple past tense and past participle of scene.
SCENE v. to set in a place of action.
SECONDsecond adj. Number-two; following after the first one with nothing between them. The ordinal number corresponding…
second adj. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity, or rank; secondary; subordinate; inferior.
second adj. Being of the same kind as one that has preceded; another.
SECUNDsecund adj. (Botany, zoology) Arranged on one side only, as flowers or leaves on a stalk; unilateral.
SECUND adj. esp. of the flowers in an inflorescence, arranged on or directed towards one side only.
SYNCEDsynced v. Simple past tense and past participle of sync.
SYNC v. to cause to operate in unison, also SYNCH.
SYNDICsyndic n. (Government) A government official having different duties depending on the country; also, a magistrate…
syndic n. (Chiefly Britain) An agent of a corporation, or of any body of people engaged in a business enterprise;…
SYNDIC n. a business agent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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