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There are 18 six-letter words containing 2C, O and U

CACHOUcachou n. A sweet eaten to sweeten the breath.
cachou n. A small metallic ball used as edible decoration on cakes etc.
CACHOU n. (Malay) a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CASHOO, CUTCH, KUTCH.
COCCUScoccus n. Any approximately spherical bacterium.
coccus n. One of the carpels or seed-vessels of a dry fruit.
Coccus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Coccidae – some scale insects.
COCKUPcockup n. Alternative spelling of cock-up.
cockup n. (Archaic) A hat or cap worn turned up in front.
cockup n. A large edible fish of India (Lates calcarifer).
CONCURconcur v. To agree (in action or opinion); to have a common opinion; to coincide; to correspond.
concur v. To meet in the same point; to combine or conjoin; to contribute or help towards a common object or effect.
concur v. (Obsolete) To run together; to meet.
COUCALcoucal n. Any bird of the genus Centropus in the cuckoo family Cuculidae.
COUCAL n. (French) a large, Old World, ground cuckoo of the genus Centropus, of several species.
COUCHEcouché adj. (Heraldry) Not erect; inclined.
couché adj. (Heraldry) Lying on its side.
COUCHE n. (French) an evening reception, also COUCHEE.
CROCUScrocus n. A perennial flowering plant (of the genus Crocus in the Iridaceae family). Saffron is obtained from…
crocus n. Any of various similar flowering plants, such as the autumn crocus and prairie crocus.
crocus n. (Chemistry, obsolete) A deep yellow powder, the oxide of some metal (especially iron), calcined to a…
CROUCHcrouch v. (Intransitive) To bend down; to stoop low; to stand close to the ground with legs bent, like an animal…
crouch v. (Intransitive) To bend servilely; to bow in reverence or humility.
crouch n. A bent or stooped position.
CUCKOOcuckoo n. Any of various birds, of the family Cuculidae, famous for laying its eggs in the nests of other species;…
cuckoo n. The sound of that particular bird.
cuckoo n. The bird-shaped figure found in cuckoo clocks.
MOCUCKmocuck n. (US) A box-like container made from birch-bark, especially one in which sugar is stored.
MOCUCK n. (Native American) a North American bark box, also MOCOCK.
OCCULToccult v. (Transitive, astronomy) To cover or hide from view.
occult v. (Transitive, rare) To dissimulate, conceal, or obfuscate.
occult adj. (Medicine) Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected.
OCCUPYoccupy v. (Transitive, of time) To take or use.
occupy v. (Transitive) To take or use space.
occupy v. (Transitive, obsolete) To have sexual intercourse with.
OCCURSoccurs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of occur.
OCCUR v. to take place.
STUCCOstucco n. A plaster that is used to coat (interior or) exterior walls, or used for mouldings.
stucco n. Work made of stucco; stuccowork.
stucco v. (Transitive) To coat or decorate with stucco.
SUCCORsuccor n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of succour.
succor v. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of succour.
SUCCOR v. to go to the aid of, also SUCCOUR.
SUCCOSsuccos n. Plural of succah.
SUCCAH n. (Hebrew) a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals.
SUCCOTsuccot n. Plural of succah.
Succot n. Alternative spelling of Sukkot.
SUCCAH n. (Hebrew) a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals.
UNCOCKuncock v. To straighten or flatten (remove a cocked shape).
uncock v. (Transitive) To let down the cock of (a firearm).
uncock v. To open or spread from a cock or heap, as hay.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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