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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 2C, F and U

CENTRIFUGENCEScentrifugences n. Plural of centrifugence.
CENTRIFUGENCE n. centrifugal tendency or force.
CIRCUMFERENCEScircumferences n. Plural of circumference.
CIRCUMFERENCE n. the perimeter of a circle.
CIRCUMFERENTORcircumferentor n. (Surveying) An instrument used to measure horizontal angles, consisting of a brass circle and an index…
CIRCUMFERENTOR n. a surveyor's angle-measuring compass instrument.
CIRCUMFLECTINGcircumflecting v. Present participle of circumflect.
CIRCUMFLECT v. to bend round; to mark with a circumflex.
CIRCUMFLEXIONScircumflexions n. Plural of circumflexion.
CIRCUMFLEXION n. a bending round.
CIRCUMFLUENCEScircumfluences n. Plural of circumfluence.
CIRCUMFLUENCE n. a flowing round.
CIRCUMFORANEANcircumforanean adj. (Obsolete) Wandering from market to market; vagabond, itinerant.
CIRCUMFORANEAN adj. wandering about as from market to market, vagrant, also CIRCUMFORANEOUS.
COUNTERFACTUALcounterfactual adj. Contrary to known or agreed facts; untrue.
counterfactual adj. Of or in comparison to a hypothetical state of the world.
counterfactual n. A claim, hypothesis, or other belief that is contrary to the facts.
DEFLOCCULATINGdeflocculating v. Present participle of deflocculate.
DEFLOCCULATE v. to deprive of flocculation.
DEFLOCCULATIONdeflocculation n. The dispersion of an aggregate to form a stable colloid; the reverse of coagulation or flocculation.
DEFLOCCULATION n. the process of deflocculating.
DULCIFICATIONSdulcifications n. Plural of dulcification.
DULCIFICATION n. the act of dulcifying.
FASCICULATIONSfasciculations n. Plural of fasciculation.
FASCICULATION n. muscular twitching involving the simultaneous contraction of contiguous groups of muscle fibers.
FRUCTIFICATIONfructification n. (Botany) The act of forming or producing fruit; the act of fructifying, or rendering productive of fruit; fecundation.
fructification n. (Botany) The collective organs by which a plant produces its fruit, or seeds, or reproductive spores.
FRUCTIFICATION n. the reproductive organs or fruit of a plant.
INSUFFICIENCESINSUFFICIENCE n. the state of being insufficient, also INSUFFICIENCY.
SACCHARIFEROUSsacchariferous adj. Producing or containing sugar.
SACCHARIFEROUS adj. bearing sugar.
SUCCESSFULNESSsuccessfulness n. The state or condition of being successful.
SUCCESSFULNESS n. the state of being successful.
UNCERTIFICATEDuncertificated adj. That has not been subject to certification.
UNCERTIFICATED adj. not certificated.
UNSPECIFICALLYunspecifically adv. In an unspecific manner; not specifically.
UNSPECIFIC adv. not specific.
UNSUCCESSFULLYunsuccessfully adv. Not successfully; without success; to no avail.
UNSUCCESSFUL adv. not successful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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