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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing 2C, I and Q

ACQUIESCENTacquiescent adj. Willing to acquiesce, accept or agree to something without objection, protest or resistance.
acquiescent adj. Resting satisfied or submissive; disposed tacitly to submit.
ACQUIESCENT adj. inclined to acquiesce.
ACQUIESCINGacquiescing v. Present participle of acquiesce.
ACQUIESCE v. to agree, accept.
ACQUITTANCEacquittance n. (Now historical) A writing which is evidence of a discharge; a receipt in full, which bars a further demand.
acquittance n. (Now rare) Payment of debt; settlement.
acquittance n. (Now historical) The release from a debt, or from some obligation or duty; exemption.
CINQUECENTOcinquecento adj. (Art) Sixteenth-century (1500s).
cinquecento n. (Art) The sixteenth century (1500s).
CINQUECENTO n. (Italian) the 16th century, esp. in reference to Italian art and architecture.
COQUELICOTScoquelicots n. Plural of coquelicot.
COQUELICOT n. (French) a brilliant red, poppy red.
EQUICALORICequicaloric adj. Having the same number of calories.
EQUICALORIC adj. capable of yielding equal amounts of energy in the body.
LIQUESCENCEliquescence n. Alternative form of liquescency.
LIQUESCENCYliquescency n. The quality or state of being liquescent.
QUIESCENCESquiescences n. Plural of quiescence.
QUIESCENCE n. the state of being quiescent, also QUIESCENCY.
QUINCUNCIALquincuncial adj. Arranged in a quincunx.
quincuncial adj. (Botany) Having the leaves of a pentamerous calyx or corolla so imbricated that two are exterior, two…
QUINCUNCIAL adj. of or like a quincunx, also QUINCUNXIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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