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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing C, H and X

CACHEXIAcachexia n. (Pathology) A systemic wasting of muscle tissue, with or without loss of fat mass, that accompanies a chronic disease.
CACHEXIA n. general ill health, also CACHEXY.
CACHEXICcachexic adj. Relating to cachexia.
CACHEXIC adj. pertaining to ill health.
CATHEXEScathexes n. Plural of cathexis.
CATHEXIS n. (Greek) the investment of emotional energy in a thought or idea.
CATHEXIScathexis n. (Psychoanalysis) The concentration of libido or emotional energy on a single object or idea.
CATHEXIS n. (Greek) the investment of emotional energy in a thought or idea.
CHAPEAUXchapeaux n. Plural of chapeau.
CHAPEAU n. (French) a hat.
CHATEAUXchateaux n. Plural of chateau.
châteaux n. Plural of château.
CHATEAU n. (French) a large country house.
CHECKBOXcheckbox n. A space on a paper form that can be optionally filled with a check mark.
checkbox n. (Graphical user interface) An on-screen box that can be optionally filled with a check mark, to enable…
check␣box n. (Graphical user interface) Alternative form of checkbox.
CHENIXESchenixes n. Plural of chenix.
CHENIX n. (Greek) an ancient Greek dry measure.
CHRONAXYchronaxy n. Alternative form of chronaxie.
CHRONAXY n. a time constant in the excitation of a nerve or muscle, also CHRONAXIE.
EXARCHALexarchal adj. Of or relating to an exarch.
EXARCHAL adj. relating to an exarch, the rank below patriarch in the Eastern church.
EXCHANGEexchange n. An act of exchanging or trading.
exchange n. A place for conducting trading.
exchange n. A telephone exchange.
EXCHEATSexcheats n. Plural of excheat.
EXCHEAT n. (Spenser) property that falls to the state or feudal lord for lack of an heir, also ESCHEAT.
HEXANOIChexanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexanoic acid or its derivatives; caproic.
HEXANOIC adj. as in hexanoic acid, a component of palm oil.
HEXARCHYhexarchy n. A group of six states.
HEXARCHY n. a group of six separate states.
LUNCHBOXlunchbox n. A container for transporting meals, especially lunch.
lunchbox n. (Slang, UK) The male genitals when enclosed in clothing.
lunchbox n. (Asia) A lunch packaged in a disposable box to be taken away to eat.
MATCHBOXmatchbox n. A small cardboard box in which matches are kept.
matchbox n. Any small die-cast toy car, usually collectible.
MATCHBOX n. a small box.
TAXIARCHtaxiarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) An Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
TAXIARCH n. an Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
WATCHBOXwatchbox n. A sentry hut.
WATCHBOX n. a sentry box.
WAXCLOTHwaxcloth n. Oilcloth.
WAXCLOTH n. oilcloth, linoleum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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