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There are 9 six-letter words containing 3C

CALCICcalcic adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from calcium or lime.
CALCIC adj. pertaining to lime of calcium.
CHOCCYchoccy n. (Informal, childish) chocolate.
CHOCCY n. chocolate.
CHOCCY adj. having the taste or smell of chocolate.
COCCALcoccal adj. Synonym of coccic.
COCCAL adj. pertaining to a coccus, also COCCIC.
COCCICcoccic adj. Of or relating to coccus bacteria.
COCCIC adj. pertaining to a coccus, also COCCAL.
COCCIDcoccid n. Any of very many scale insects (including mealybugs) of the superfamily Coccoidea; especially an insect…
COCCID n. a kind of insect, the scale insects and mealy bugs.
COCCOSCoccos prop.n. Plural of Cocco.
COCCO n. the taro or other edible araceous tuber, also COCO.
COCCUScoccus n. Any approximately spherical bacterium.
coccus n. One of the carpels or seed-vessels of a dry fruit.
Coccus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Coccidae – some scale insects.
COCCYXcoccyx n. (Medicine, formal) The final (bottom-most) fused vertebrae at the base of the spine, the tailbone.
COCCYX n. (Greek) a bone of the spine.
CYCLICcyclic adj. Characterized by, or moving in cycles, or happening at regular intervals.
cyclic adj. (Chemistry, of a compound) Having chains of atoms arranged in a ring.
cyclic adj. (Botany) Having parts arranged in a whorl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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