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There are 9 four-letter words containing C, F and O

COFFCOFF v. (Scots) to buy.
COFTCOFF v. (Scots) to buy.
COIFcoif n. A hairdo.
coif n. (Historical) A hood; a close-fitting cap covering much of the head, widespread until the 18th century;…
coif n. (Historical) A similar item of chain mail headgear covering the head.
CONFconf n. Abbreviation of conference.
conf. n. Abbreviation of conference.
CONF n. an online conference.
COOFcoof n. (Scotland) An idiot, or fool.
coof n. (Internet slang) The coronavirus, particularly SARS-CoV-2.
COOF n. (Scots) a dolt, also CUIF.
CORFcorf n. (Mining) A large basket, especially as used for coal.
corf n. (Fishing) A container (Basket, wooden box with holes etc.) used to store live fish underwater.
corf n. (Mining) A wooden frame, sled, or low-wheeled wagon, to convey coal or ore in the mines.
FICOfico n. (Archaic) a fig; an insignificant trifle.
fico n. (Archaic) a sign of contempt made with the fingers.
Fico prop.n. A surname from Italian.
FLOCfloc n. A floccule; a soft or fluffy particle suspended in a liquid, or the fluffy mass of suspended particles so formed.
FLOC v. to aggregate into floccules.
FOCIfoci n. Plural of focus.
FOCUS n. (Latin) a point in which rays converge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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