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There are 17 words containing B, L, 2O, P, R, S and Y

BIOPOLYMERSbiopolymers n. Plural of biopolymer.
BIOPOLYMER n. a polymeric substance formed in a biological system.
HYPERBOLAEONSHYPERBOLAEON n. a term in in Greek prosody.
HYPERBOLOIDShyperboloids n. Plural of hyperboloid.
HYPERBOLOID n. a solid figure in which some of the plane sections are hyperbolas.
OBSTREPEROUSLYobstreperously adv. In an obstreperous manner.
OPPROBRIOUSLYopprobriously adv. In an opprobrious manner.
OPPROBRIOUS adv. expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace.
POLYCARBONATESpolycarbonates n. Plural of polycarbonate.
POLYCARBONATE n. any of a range of strong thermoplastics.
POLYEMBRYONIESPOLYEMBRYONY n. the condition of having several embryos.
POLYRIBOSOMALpolyribosomal adj. Pertaining to, or composed of polyribosome.
POLYRIBOSOMAL adj. of or like a polyribosome.
POLYRIBOSOMEpolyribosome n. (Biochemistry) A cluster of ribosomes, connected by mRNA, that collectively synthesizes protein.
POLYRIBOSOME n. a cluster of ribosomes linked together by a molecule of messenger RNA and forming the site of protein synthesis.
POLYRIBOSOMESpolyribosomes n. Plural of polyribosome.
POLYRIBOSOME n. a cluster of ribosomes linked together by a molecule of messenger RNA and forming the site of protein synthesis.
POLYSORBATEpolysorbate n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of emulsifiers used as food additives and in pharmaceutical preparations;…
POLYSORBATE n. an emulsifier.
POLYSORBATESpolysorbates n. Plural of polysorbate.
POLYSORBATE n. an emulsifier.
POSTEMBRYONALpostembryonal adj. Synonym of postembryonic.
POSTEMBRYONAL adj. subsequent to the embryonic stage of life or growth, also POSTEMBRYONIC.
PYROBALLOGIESPYROBALLOGY n. the study of artillery.
STREPHOSYMBOLIAstrephosymbolia n. A tendency, associated with word blindness, to twist or invert certain similar letters (such as b and d) when reading.
STREPHOSYMBOLIA n. a visual disorder where letters are seen mirror imaged.
SYMBOLOGRAPHIESSYMBOLOGRAPHY n. symbolic writing or representation.
SYMBOLOGRAPHYSYMBOLOGRAPHY n. symbolic writing or representation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 420 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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