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There are 19 words containing B, I, N, R, 2S, T and Y

BACTERIOLYSINSbacteriolysins n. Plural of bacteriolysin.
BACTERIOLYSIN n. an antibody that destroys bacteria.
BLINDSTOREYSBLINDSTOREY n. a storey without windows, such as a gallery in a Gothic church, also BLINDSTORY.
CHIMNEYBREASTSchimneybreasts n. Plural of chimneybreast.
chimney-breasts n. Plural of chimney-breast.
CHIMNEYBREAST n. the part of a wall that projects into a room and contains the fireplace and chimney.
CORYBANTISMSCORYBANTISM n. the rites associated with corybants.
CYBERNETICISTScyberneticists n. Plural of cyberneticist.
CYBERNETICIST n. a student of cybernetics.
CYBERSQUATTINGSCYBERSQUATTING n. the practice of registering an internet domain name that is likely to be wanted by another person or organisation.
CYBERSTALKINGSCYBERSTALKING n. the practice of using electronic communications to harass someone persistently.
HYBRIDISATIONShybridisations n. Plural of hybridisation.
HYBRIDISATION n. the process of hybridising, also HYBRIDIZATION.
LABYRINTHITISESLABYRINTHITIS n. inflammation of the inner ear.
PARASYMBIONTSparasymbionts n. Plural of parasymbiont.
PARASYMBIONT n. a partner in parasymbiosis.
PRESBYTERIANISMpresbyterianism n. That form of church government which invests presbyters with all spiritual power, and admits no prelates…
Presbyterianism n. A form of Protestant Christianity based on Calvinism.
Presbyterianism n. A form of Christian church government characterized by rule by bodies of presbyters or elders.
PRESBYTERIANSPresbyterians n. Plural of Presbyterian.
PRESBYTERIAN n. a member of a Presbyterian church.
RESPONSIBILITYresponsibility n. The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable.
responsibility n. The state of being liable, culpable, or responsible for something in particular.
responsibility n. A duty, obligation or liability for which someone is held accountable.
STRINGYBARKSstringybarks n. Plural of stringybark.
STRINGYBARK n. an Australian tree, a kind of eucalyptus.
SUBINDUSTRYsubindustry n. An industry that makes up part of a larger industry.
SUBINDUSTRY n. a subordinate industry.
SUBSERVIENTLYsubserviently adv. In a subservient manner.
SUBSERVIENT adv. useful in an inferior capacity.
SUBSTITUTIONARYsubstitutionary adj. Of or relating to substitution or replacement.
SUBSTITUTIONARY adj. relating to substitution.
TRANSPOSABILITYtransposability n. The quality of being transposable.
TRANSPOSABILITY n. the quality of being transposable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 379 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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