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There are 18 words containing B, I, N, 2O, S and 2U

BOURGUIGNONNESBOURGUIGNONNE n. (French) a meat dish stewed with onions, mushrooms and Burgundy wine, also BOURGUIGNON.
BOURGUIGNONSbourguignons n. Plural of bourguignon.
BOURGUIGNON n. (French) a meat dish stewed with onions, mushrooms and Burgundy wine, also BOURGUIGNONNE.
IMMUNOGLOBULINSimmunoglobulins n. Plural of immunoglobulin.
IMMUNOGLOBULIN n. an immune protein.
NONAMBIGUOUSnonambiguous adj. Not ambiguous.
NONAMBIGUOUS adj. not ambiguous.
OBSEQUIOUSNESSobsequiousness n. The quality of being obsequious; servile compliance.
OBSEQUIOUSNESS n. the state of being obsequious.
ROBUSTIOUSNESSrobustiousness n. Quality of being robustious.
ROBUSTIOUSNESS n. the state of being robustious, robust.
SUBCONSCIOUSsubconscious adj. Partially conscious.
subconscious adj. (Psychology, dated) Synonym of unconscious.
subconscious n. (Psychology, dated) Synonym of unconscious.
SUBCONSCIOUSESsubconsciouses n. Plural of subconscious.
SUBCONSCIOUS n. the mental activities just below the threshold of consciousness.
SUBCONSCIOUSLYsubconsciously adv. Below the level of conscious awareness.
SUBCONSCIOUS adv. below the threshold of consciousness.
SUBCONTIGUOUSsubcontiguous adj. Almost touching.
SUBCONTIGUOUS adj. partially contiguous.
SUBCONTINUOUSsubcontinuous adj. Nearly continuous, but with slight interruptions.
SUBCONTINUOUS adj. partially continuous.
SUBINVOLUTIONsubinvolution n. Partial or incomplete involution.
SUBINVOLUTION n. partial or complete failure of the uterus to return to its normal size in the six weeks following childbirth.
SUBINVOLUTIONSsubinvolutions n. Plural of subinvolution.
SUBINVOLUTION n. partial or complete failure of the uterus to return to its normal size in the six weeks following childbirth.
SUBPOPULATIONsubpopulation n. A subdivision of a population.
SUBPOPULATION n. an identifiable fraction or subdivision of a population.
SUBPOPULATIONSsubpopulations n. Plural of subpopulation.
SUBPOPULATION n. an identifiable fraction or subdivision of a population.
UNLABORIOUSunlaborious adj. Not laborious.
UNLABORIOUS adj. not laborious.
UNOBNOXIOUSunobnoxious adj. Not obnoxious.
UNOBNOXIOUS adj. not obnoxious.
UNOBVIOUSunobvious adj. Not obvious.
UNOBVIOUS adj. not obvious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 337 words
  • Scrabble in French: 79 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 51 words

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