BLOVIATION | • bloviation n. (US, possibly originally Ohio, informal) A boastful or pompous manner of speaking or writing; a lengthy… • BLOVIATION n. long-winded speech. |
OBVOLUTION | • OBVOLUTION n. the state of being obvolute, having a margin that alternately overlaps and is overlapped by that of an opposing leaf. |
BLOVIATIONS | • bloviations n. Plural of bloviation. • BLOVIATION n. long-winded speech. |
OBVOLUTIONS | • OBVOLUTION n. the state of being obvolute, having a margin that alternately overlaps and is overlapped by that of an opposing leaf. |
OBSERVATIONAL | • observational adj. Relating to observation, especially scientific observation. • OBSERVATIONAL adj. related to observation. |
SUBINVOLUTION | • subinvolution n. Partial or incomplete involution. • SUBINVOLUTION n. partial or complete failure of the uterus to return to its normal size in the six weeks following childbirth. |
CONTROVERTIBLE | • controvertible adj. Open to questioning; that which can be denied, challenged, or disputed. • CONTROVERTIBLE adj. open to question, disputable. |
CONTROVERTIBLY | • controvertibly adv. In a controvertible manner. • CONTROVERTIBLE adv. open to question, disputable. |
NONCONVERTIBLE | • nonconvertible adj. Not convertible; that cannot be exchanged for an equivalent. • NONCONVERTIBLE adj. not convertible. |
OMNIBENEVOLENT | • omnibenevolent adj. All-loving, or infinitely good, usually in reference to a deity or supernatural being, for example, God. • OMNIBENEVOLENT adj. showing universal good will. |
SUBINVOLUTIONS | • subinvolutions n. Plural of subinvolution. • SUBINVOLUTION n. partial or complete failure of the uterus to return to its normal size in the six weeks following childbirth. |
VIBROFLOTATION | • vibroflotation n. A form of vibrocompaction using horizontal vibrations and the injection of fluid. • VIBROFLOTATION n. a process for compacting sand. |
NONCONVERTIBLES | Sorry, definition not available. |
OBSERVATIONALLY | • observationally adv. In an observational way. • OBSERVATIONAL adv. related to observation. |
OVERELABORATING | • overelaborating v. Present participle of overelaborate. • OVERELABORATE v. to elaborate excessively. |
OVERELABORATION | • overelaboration n. Excessive elaboration; going into too much detail. • OVERELABORATION n. excessive elaboration. |
SUBVOCALISATION | • SUBVOCALISATION n. the act of inaudibly articulating speech with the speech organs, also SUBVOCALIZATION. |
SUBVOCALIZATION | • subvocalization n. (Uncountable) The formation in thought of words or statements, which are expressed inwardly but not uttered aloud. • subvocalization n. (Countable) Subvocal words or statements so formed. • SUBVOCALIZATION n. the act of inaudibly articulating speech with the speech organs, also SUBVOCALISATION. |
VIBROFLOTATIONS | • VIBROFLOTATION n. a process for compacting sand. |