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There are 18 words containing B, I, L, M, 2N and 2U

DUMBFOUNDINGLYdumbfoundingly adv. In a dumbfounding manner.
FUNAMBULATINGfunambulating v. Present participle of funambulate.
FUNAMBULATE v. to walk the tightrope.
FUNAMBULATIONfunambulation n. The act of walking on ropes; tightrope walking.
FUNAMBULATION n. tightrope-walking.
FUNAMBULATIONSfunambulations n. Plural of funambulation.
FUNAMBULATION n. tightrope-walking.
IMMUNOGLOBULINimmunoglobulin n. (Biochemistry, immunology) Any of the glycoproteins in blood serum that respond to invasion by foreign…
IMMUNOGLOBULIN n. an immune protein.
IMMUNOGLOBULINSimmunoglobulins n. Plural of immunoglobulin.
IMMUNOGLOBULIN n. an immune protein.
INCUNABULUMincunabulum n. (Printing) A book, single sheet, or image that was printed before the year 1501 in Europe.
incunabulum n. (Chiefly in the plural) The cradle, birthplace, or origin of something.
INCUNABULUM n. (Latin) a book printed from movable type before 1501, also INCUNABLE.
INFUNDIBULIFORMinfundibuliform adj. Having the shape of a funnel or cone.
INFUNDIBULIFORM adj. shaped like a funnel.
INFUNDIBULUMinfundibulum n. (Anatomy) A funnel-shaped cavity or organ.
INFUNDIBULUM n. a funnel-shaped body part (e.g. the nares).
INSURMOUNTABLEinsurmountable adj. Incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome; insuperable.
INSURMOUNTABLE adj. incapable of being surmounted.
INSURMOUNTABLYinsurmountably adv. In an insurmountable manner.
insurmountably adv. To an insurmountable extent.
INSURMOUNTABLE adv. incapable of being surmounted.
NONEQUILIBRIUMnonequilibrium n. The condition of not being in equilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUMSnonequilibriums n. Plural of nonequilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.
TINTINNABULUMtintinnabulum n. A small clinking bell, particularly (historical) a small bell used to call monks to certain tasks.
tintinnabulum n. A set of bells or metal plates used as a musical instrument or as a toy.
TINTINNABULUM n. a usually high-pitched bell; a bell-rattle.
UNCOMMUNICABLEuncommunicable adj. Impossible to communicate.
UNCOMMUNICABLE adj. incommunicable.
UNIMPUGNABLEunimpugnable adj. That cannot be impugned; beyond reproach or attack.
UNIMPUGNABLE adj. not impugnable.
UNPLUMBINGunplumbing v. Present participle of unplumb.
UNPLUMB v. to remove lead from.
UNSLUMBERINGunslumbering adj. Not slumbering; unsleeping.
UNSLUMBERING adj. not slumbering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 175 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 27 words

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