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There are 16 words containing B, I, 2L, N, O, P and T

BALLPOINTballpoint n. (Colloquial) A ballpoint pen.
ballpoint n. (Sewing) A kind of needle with a rounded tip.
BALLPOINT n. a type of pen.
BALLPOINTSballpoints n. Plural of ballpoint.
BALLPOINT n. a type of pen.
BILLPOSTINGbillposting n. The sticking of posters, notices and advertisements on walls.
BILLPOSTING n. the act of posting a bill.
BILLPOSTINGSBILLPOSTING n. the act of posting a bill.
BIPROPELLANTbipropellant n. A propellant composed of two components (typically a fuel and an oxidizer) that react together in the…
BIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of fuel and oxidizer stored separately until ignition.
INTERPOLABLEinterpolable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being interpolated.
INTERPOLABLE adj. that can be interpolated.
BIPROPELLANTSbipropellants n. Plural of bipropellant.
BIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of fuel and oxidizer stored separately until ignition.
BOILERPLATINGboilerplating v. Present participle of boilerplate.
BOILERPLATE v. to print as a boilerplate.
PLUMBISOLVENTplumbisolvent adj. Alternative form of plumbosolvent.
PLUMBISOLVENT adj. able to dissolve lead, also PLUMBOSOLVENT.
PROBATIONALLYprobationally adv. In a probational manner.
PROBATIONAL adv. relating to, serving purpose of, probation or trial.
BLAXPLOITATIONblaxploitation n. (Film) A genre of exploitation films of the 1970s that starred black actors.
BLAXPLOITATION n. exploitation of black people, esp. in the American film industry, by casting them in negative, stereotypical roles.
BULLETPROOFINGbulletproofing v. Present participle of bulletproof.
BULLETPROOF v. to make impenetrable to bullets.
PALEOBOTANICALpaleobotanical adj. Of or pertaining to paleobotany.
PALEOBOTANICAL adj. relating to paleobotany, also PALEOBOTANIC.
BLAXPLOITATIONSBLAXPLOITATION n. exploitation of black people, esp. in the American film industry, by casting them in negative, stereotypical roles.
PALAEOBOTANICALpalaeobotanical adj. Alternative spelling of paleobotanical.
PALAEOBOTANICAL adj. relating to palaeobotany, the study of fossil plants, also PALAEOBOTANIC.
UNEMPLOYABILITYunemployability n. The state or condition of being unemployable.
UNEMPLOYABILITY n. the state of being unemployable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 438 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 52 words

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