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There are 20 words containing B, 2I, O and 4S

BYSSINOSISbyssinosis n. A lung disease, caused by exposure to cotton dust in inadequately ventilated working environments.
BYSSINOSIS n. cotton dust pneumoconiosis.
ABSCISSIONSabscissions n. Plural of abscission.
ABSCISSION n. the act of cutting off.
SUBMISSIONSsubmissions n. Plural of submission.
SUBMISSION n. the act of submitting.
OBSESSIONISTobsessionist n. A person who has an obsession; an obsessive.
OBSESSIONIST n. someone who is obsessed by a fixed idea.
POSSIBILISMSpossibilisms n. Plural of possibilism.
POSSIBILISM n. the policy of confining efforts to what is immediately possible or practicable.
POSSIBILISTSpossibilists n. Plural of possibilist.
POSSIBILIST n. an adherent of possibilism.
BILIOUSNESSESbiliousnesses n. Plural of biliousness.
BILIOUSNESS n. the state of being bilious.
OBSESSIONISTSobsessionists n. Plural of obsessionist.
OBSESSIONIST n. someone who is obsessed by a fixed idea.
RESUBMISSIONSresubmissions n. Plural of resubmission.
RESUBMISSION n. the act of resubmitting.
IMPOSSIBILISMSIMPOSSIBILISM n. belief in or advocacy of an impracticable policy.
IMPOSSIBILISTSimpossibilists n. Plural of impossibilist.
IMPOSSIBILIST n. one who believes in or advocates an impracticable policy.
IMPOSSIBLENESSimpossibleness n. Quality of being impossible.
IMPOSSIBLE n. not possible.
SUBCOMMISSIONSsubcommissions n. Plural of subcommission.
SUBCOMMISSION v. to give a subsidiary commission.
SUBSIDISATIONSsubsidisations n. Plural of subsidisation.
SUBSIDISATION n. the act of subsidising, also SUBSIDIZATION.
AMBITIOUSNESSESambitiousnesses n. Plural of ambitiousness.
AMBITIOUSNESS n. the state of being ambitious.
BIOSYSTEMATISTSbiosystematists n. Plural of biosystematist.
BIOSYSTEMATIST n. one who studies biosystematics.
DISSOCIABLENESSDISSOCIABLE n. that can be dissociated.
OBLIVIOUSNESSESobliviousnesses n. Plural of obliviousness.
SCRIBACIOUSNESSscribaciousness n. The quality of being scribacious.
SCRIBACIOUSNESS n. (archaic) the state of being scribacious, given to writing.
SUBASSOCIATIONSsubassociations n. Plural of subassociation.
SUBASSOCIATION n. a subordinate association.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 157 words
  • Scrabble in French: 270 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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