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There are 18 words containing B, 3I, R and 3S

BIPARTISANISMSBIPARTISANISM n. the state of being bipartisan.
BIPARTISANSHIPSbipartisanships n. Plural of bipartisanship.
BIPARTISANSHIP n. the state of being bipartisan.
CROSSABILITIEScrossabilities n. Plural of crossability.
CROSSABILITY n. the ability of different species or varieties to cross with each other.
FIBROSITISESFIBROSITIS n. inflammation of the nerve fibres.
FILIBUSTERISMSFILIBUSTERISM n. the actions of a filibuster.
INTRANSMISSIBLEintransmissible adj. Not capable of being transmitted.
INTRANSMISSIBLE adj. that cannot be transmitted.
MISERABILISMSMISERABILISM n. the quality of seeming to enjoy being depressed by gloomy art or music, also MISERABLISM.
MISERABILISTSmiserabilists n. Plural of miserabilist.
MISERABILIST n. a person who appears to enjoy being depressed, esp. a performer of or listener to gloomy music.
REMISSIBILITIESREMISSIBILITY n. the state of being remissible, capable of being remitted or forgiven.
RESISTIBILITIESresistibilities n. Plural of resistibility.
RESISTIBILITY n. the state of being resistible.
SORBITISATIONSsorbitisations n. Plural of sorbitisation.
SORBITISATION n. the process of sorbitising, also SORBITIZATION.
STROBILISATIONSSTROBILISATION n. production or reproduction by strobilae, also STROBILIZATION.
SUBMINIATURISESSUBMINIATURISE v. to reduce to a size below miniature, also SUBMINIATURIZE.
SUBSIDIARIATSSUBSIDIARIAT n. a collective term for the news sources that would not survive without being subsidized directly (by a government, etc.).
SUBSIDIARIESsubsidiaries n. Plural of subsidiary.
SUBSIDIARY n. one that is subsidiary.
SUBSIDIARINESSsubsidiariness n. The quality of being subsidiary.
SUBSIDIARINESS n. the state of being subsidiary.
SUBSIDIARITIESsubsidiarities n. Plural of subsidiarity.
SUBSIDIARITY n. the state of being subsidiary.
SUPPRESSIBILITYsuppressibility n. Quality of being suppressible.
SUPPRESSIBILITY n. the state of being suppressible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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