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There are 19 words containing B, 3I, O, T, V and Y

BIOACTIVITYbioactivity n. (Biology, medicine) Biologic activity, such as biochemical or immunologic reactivity: the biologic effect…
BIOACTIVITY n. the state of being bioactive.
VIOLABILITYviolability n. The quality of being violable.
VIOLABILITY n. the capacity to be violated.
BIODIVERSITYbiodiversity n. (Ecology) The diversity (number and variety of species) of plant and animal life within a region.
BIODIVERSITY n. the number of species present in a given ecosystem.
IMMOVABILITYimmovability n. The state of being immovable.
IMMOVABILITY n. the state of being immovable, also IMMOVEABILITY.
IMMOVEABILITYIMMOVEABILITY n. the quality of being immoveable, also IMMOVABILITY.
IMPROVABILITYimprovability n. The condition of being improvable.
IMPROVABILITY n. the state of being improvable.
INSOLVABILITYINSOLVABILITY n. the quality of being insolvable.
INVIOLABILITYinviolability n. The quality or state of being inviolable; inviolableness.
INVIOLABILITY n. the state of being inviolable.
PROHIBITIVELYprohibitively adv. In a prohibitive manner.
prohibitively adv. To a prohibitive extent.
PROHIBITIVE adv. tending to prohibit or restrain.
CONCEIVABILITYconceivability n. The characteristic of being conceivable; the ability to be conceived, believed, or understood.
conceivability n. Something that is conceivable.
CONCEIVABILITY n. the state of being conceivable.
CONVERTIBILITYconvertibility n. The quality of being convertible.
convertibility n. The quality of a currency of being exchangeable for gold or other currencies.
CONVERTIBILITY n. the state of being convertible.
DISSOLVABILITYdissolvability n. Capacity of being dissolved; solubility.
DISSOLVABILITY n. the quality of being dissolvable.
IRREMOVABILITYirremovability n. The quality or state of being irremovable.
IRREMOVABILITY n. the state of being irremovable.
IRREVOCABILITYirrevocability n. The state or condition of being irrevocable.
irrevocability n. Something irrevocable.
IRREVOCABILITY n. the state of being irrevocable.
UNAVOIDABILITYunavoidability n. The state or condition of being unavoidable.
UNAVOIDABILITY n. the quality of being unavoidable.
VASOINHIBITORYvasoinhibitory adj. Vasodilatory.
VASOINHIBITORY adj. serving to inhibit the action of the vasomotor nerves.
BIOAVAILABILITYbioavailability n. (Biology, medicine) The extent to which a substance is molecularly available to cells and tissues in…
BIOAVAILABILITY n. the degree and rate at which a substance (as a drug) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity.
IRRESOLVABILITYirresolvability n. The quality of being irresolvable.
IRRESOLVABILITY n. the quality of being irresolvable.
NONAVAILABILITYnonavailability n. A lack of availability.
non-availability n. Alternative form of nonavailability.
NONAVAILABILITY n. the state of not being available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 125 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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