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There are 17 words containing B, 3I, N, R, S and V

ADVERBIALISINGadverbialising v. Present participle of adverbialise.
ADVERBIALISE v. to give the character of an adverb to, also ADVERBIALIZE.
ARIBOFLAVINOSISariboflavinosis n. (Pathology) The medical condition caused by deficiency of riboflavin.
ARIBOFLAVINOSIS n. a deficiency disease due to inadequate intake of riboflavin and characterized by sores on the mouth.
BILIVERDINSbiliverdins n. Plural of biliverdin.
BILIVERDIN n. a green pigment present in the bile.
GOVERNABILITIESgovernabilities n. Plural of governability.
GOVERNABILITY n. the quality of being governable.
INTERVISIBILITYintervisibility n. The quality of being intervisible.
INTERVISIBILITY n. the state of being intervisible.
INTERVISIBLEintervisible adj. (Surveying) Mutually visible; each in sight of the other.
INTERVISIBLE adj. able to be seen between.
INVARIABILITIESinvariabilities n. Plural of invariability.
INVARIABILITY n. the state of being invariable.
INVERTIBILITIESINVERTIBILITY n. the quality of being invertible.
PROHIBITIVENESSprohibitiveness n. The quality of being prohibitive.
PROHIBITIVENESS n. the state of being prohibitive.
PROVERBIALISINGproverbialising v. Present participle of proverbialise.
PROVERBIALISE v. to make proverbial, also PROVERBIALIZE.
RIBAVIRINSribavirins n. Plural of ribavirin.
RIBAVIRIN n. a synthetic guanosine analogue, which interferes with the synthesis of viral nucleic acids and is used to treat viral infections.
VASOINHIBITORvasoinhibitor n. Vasodilator.
VASOINHIBITOR n. any of a group of drugs that reduce or inhibit the action of the vasomotor nerves.
VASOINHIBITORSvasoinhibitors n. Plural of vasoinhibitor.
VASOINHIBITOR n. any of a group of drugs that reduce or inhibit the action of the vasomotor nerves.
VASOINHIBITORYvasoinhibitory adj. Vasodilatory.
VASOINHIBITORY adj. serving to inhibit the action of the vasomotor nerves.
VENERABILITIESvenerabilities n. Plural of venerability.
VENERABILITY n. the state of being venerable.
VERBIFICATIONSverbifications n. Plural of verbification.
VERBIFICATION n. conversion into a verb.
VULNERABILITIESvulnerabilities n. Plural of vulnerability.
VULNERABILITY n. the state of being vulnerable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 225 words
  • Scrabble in French: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 34 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 33 words

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