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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing B, 2I, M, O, R and 2S

ABORIGINALISMSABORIGINALISM n. due recognition of native peoples.
ABSTRACTIONISMabstractionism n. The creation, principles, or ideals of abstractions, in particular art.
abstractionism n. The presentation of ideas in an abstract manner.
ABSTRACTIONISM n. the principles or practice of creating abstract art.
BIOASTRONOMIESBIOASTRONOMY n. the branch of biology which deals with the study or the discovery of life forms on other planets or in space.
BIOCHEMISTRIESbiochemistries n. Plural of biochemistry.
BIOCHEMISTRY n. chemistry that deals with the chemical compounds and processes occurring in organisms.
BRAINSTORMINGSbrainstormings n. Plural of brainstorming.
BRAINSTORMING n. the practice of thrashing out a problem, developing a strategy, etc. by intensive group discussion in which ideas are put forward in an extempore fashion.
IMPRESSIONABLEimpressionable adj. Being easily influenced (especially of young people).
impressionable n. An impressionable person.
IMPRESSIONABLE adj. capable of being easily impressed.
INCOMPRESSIBLEincompressible adj. Not compressible.
incompressible adj. (Calculus, of a vector field) Having a divergence equal to zero.
INCOMPRESSIBLE adj. incapable of or resistant to compression.
INCOMPRESSIBLYINCOMPRESSIBLE adv. incapable of or resistant to compression.
LIBERATIONISMSliberationisms n. Plural of liberationism.
LIBERATIONISM n. the cause of social freedom and equality for sections of society believed to be underprivileged or discriminated against.
MIDDLEBROWISMSMIDDLEBROWISM n. the state of being middlebrow.
NEOLIBERALISMSneoliberalisms n. Plural of neoliberalism.
NEOLIBERALISM n. the state of being a neoliberal, a liberal who de-emphasizes traditional liberal values in order to make progress by more pragmatic means.
OBSTRUCTIONISMobstructionism n. A deliberate policy of obstructing something, especially a political process or body.
OBSTRUCTIONISM n. deliberate interference with the progress or business esp. of a legislative body.
PROVERBIALISMSproverbialisms n. Plural of proverbialism.
PROVERBIALISM n. a saying in the form of, or like, a proverb.
SUBMICROSCOPICsubmicroscopic adj. Smaller than microscopic; too small to be seen even with a microscope.
SUBMICROSCOPIC adj. too small to be seen in an ordinary light microscope.
SUBNORMALITIESsubnormalities n. Plural of subnormality.
SUBNORMALITY n. the state of being subnormal.
SUPERAMBITIOUSsuperambitious adj. (Informal) Very ambitious.
SUPERAMBITIOUS adj. extremely ambitious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 136 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 168 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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