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There are 16 words containing B, H, N, O, 3S and T

BIOSYNTHESESbiosyntheses n. Plural of biosynthesis.
BIOSYNTHESIS n. the production of a chemical compound by a living organism.
BIOSYNTHESISbiosynthesis n. (Biochemistry) The synthesis of organic compounds within a living organism, especially the synthesis…
BIOSYNTHESIS n. the production of a chemical compound by a living organism.
BOTCHINESSESBOTCHINESS n. the state of being botchy, full of botches.
STONEBRASHESstonebrashes n. Plural of stonebrash.
stone␣brashes n. Plural of stone brash.
STONEBRASH n. a subsoil made up of small stones or finely-broken rock.
BLOTCHINESSESBLOTCHINESS n. the state of being blotchy.
MESOBENTHOSESMESOBENTHOS n. flora and fauna living at the bottom of seas 182 to 914 metres deep.
SUBHASTATIONSsubhastations n. Plural of subhastation.
SUBHASTATION n. (historical) sale by public auction.
TOMBOYISHNESStomboyishness n. The state or condition of being tomboyish; the behaviour of a tomboy.
TOMBOYISHNESS n. the state of being tomboyish.
BLITHESOMENESSblithesomeness n. The quality of being blithesome.
BLITHESOMENESS n. the state of being blithesome.
CONSTABLESHIPSconstableships n. Plural of constableship.
CONSTABLESHIP n. the office of constable.
HOSPITABLENESShospitableness n. The quality of being hospitable.
HOSPITABLENESS n. the state of being hospitable.
BISPHOSPHONATESbisphosphonates n. Plural of bisphosphonate.
BISPHOSPHONATE n. any of a family of drugs primarily used to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
BRONCHOSCOPISTSbronchoscopists n. Plural of bronchoscopist.
BRONCHOSCOPIST n. one who uses a bronchoscope, an instrument for examining the windpipe.
BROTHERLINESSESbrotherlinesses n. Plural of brotherliness.
BROTHERLINESS n. the state of being brotherly.
TOMBOYISHNESSESTOMBOYISHNESS n. the state of being tomboyish.
TOUCHABLENESSESTOUCHABLENESS n. the state of being touchable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 214 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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