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There are 20 words containing B, G, L, 2O, R, T and Y

ANTHROPOBIOLOGYanthropobiology n. Bioanthropology.
ANTHROPOBIOLOGY n. the study of human biology.
ASTROBIOLOGYastrobiology n. (Sciences) The study of life anywhere in the universe, including the Earth.
ASTROBIOLOGY n. exobiology.
BACTERIOLOGYbacteriology n. (Biology, microbiology) The scientific study of bacteria, especially in relation to disease and agriculture.
BACTERIOLOGY n. the scientific study of bacteria.
BIOMETEOROLOGYbiometeorology n. The study of the relationship between atmospheric conditions (the weather) and living organisms.
BIOMETEOROLOGY n. the study of how the weather affects people.
BRYOLOGISTbryologist n. A scientist specialising in bryology.
BRYOLOGIST n. one versed in bryology.
BRYOLOGISTSbryologists n. Plural of bryologist.
BRYOLOGIST n. one versed in bryology.
CRYOBIOLOGISTcryobiologist n. A biologist who specializes in cryobiology.
CRYOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies cryobiology.
CRYOBIOLOGISTScryobiologists n. Plural of cryobiologist.
CRYOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies cryobiology.
DISOBLIGATORYdisobligatory adj. (Obsolete) Releasing from obligation.
DISOBLIGATORY adj. releasing from disobligation.
ELECTROBIOLOGYelectrobiology n. (Physics, biology) The study of the production and use of electricity by biological organisms.
electrobiology n. (Obsolete) A theory of animal magnetism according to which the actions, feelings, etc. of a person are…
ELECTROBIOLOGY n. the science of the electrical phenomena in living organisms.
EMBRYOLOGISTembryologist n. An expert or specialist in embryology.
EMBRYOLOGIST n. a specialist in embryology.
EMBRYOLOGISTSembryologists n. Plural of embryologist.
EMBRYOLOGIST n. a specialist in embryology.
HYDROBIOLOGISThydrobiologist n. A biologist whose speciality is hydrobiology.
HYDROBIOLOGIST n. a student of hydrobiology.
HYDROBIOLOGISTShydrobiologists n. Plural of hydrobiologist.
HYDROBIOLOGIST n. a student of hydrobiology.
OBLIGATORILYobligatorily adv. In an obligatory manner.
OBLIGATORY adv. binding in law or conscience.
OBLIGATORYobligatory adj. Imposing obligation, legally, morally, or otherwise; binding; mandatory.
obligatory adj. Requiring a matter or obligation.
OBLIGATORY adj. binding in law or conscience.
THYROGLOBULINthyroglobulin n. (Biochemistry) A globulin, produced by the thyroid gland, that has a role in the production of the thyroid hormones.
THYROGLOBULIN n. an iodine-containing protein of the thyroid gland that is the precursor of thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
THYROGLOBULINSthyroglobulins n. Plural of thyroglobulin.
THYROGLOBULIN n. an iodine-containing protein of the thyroid gland that is the precursor of thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
TIMBROLOGYtimbrology n. (Rare, obsolete) philately (the study or collection of stamps).
TIMBROLOGY n. the study of postage stamps.
TRIBOLOGYtribology n. (Physics, engineering) The science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion; the study…
TRIBOLOGY n. the study of interacting surfaces in relative motion and associated issues, such as friction, lubrication, and wear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 228 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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