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There are 18 words containing B, E, L, O, R, S, T and W

BATFOWLERSbatfowlers n. Plural of batfowler.
bat-fowlers n. Plural of bat-fowler.
BATFOWLER n. one who batfowls, catches birds at night by confusing them with light.
BELLWORTSbellworts n. Plural of bellwort.
BELLWORT n. a genus of plants with yellowish bell-shaped flowers.
BELOWSTAIRSbelowstairs adv. Alternative form of below stairs.
belowstairs adj. Alternative form of below stairs.
belowstairs n. Alternative form of below stairs.
BLADDERWORTSbladderworts n. Plural of bladderwort.
BLADDERWORT n. a kind of seaweed.
BLAMEWORTHINESSblameworthiness n. The characteristic of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHINESS n. the state of being blameworthy.
BLANKETFLOWERSblanketflowers n. Plural of blanketflower.
blanket␣flowers n. Plural of blanket flower.
BLANKETFLOWER n. another name for gaillardia.
BLOATWARESBLOATWARE n. excessively large software.
BLOWTORCHESblowtorches n. Plural of blowtorch.
blowtorches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blowtorch.
blow␣torches n. Plural of blow torch.
BOWDLERISATIONbowdlerisation n. The action or instance of bowdlerising; the omission or removal of material considered vulgar or indecent.
BOWDLERISATION n. the act of bowdlerising, also BOWDLERIZATION.
BOWDLERISATIONSbowdlerisations n. Plural of bowdlerisation.
BOWDLERISATION n. the act of bowdlerising, also BOWDLERIZATION.
BOWDLERIZATIONSbowdlerizations n. Plural of bowdlerization.
BOWDLERIZATION n. the act of bowdlerizing, also BOWDLERISATION.
COUNTERBLOWScounterblows n. Plural of counterblow.
COUNTERBLOW n. a blow in return.
UNWORKABILITIESunworkabilities n. Plural of unworkability.
UNWORKABILITY n. the quality of being unworkable.
WHORTLEBERRIESwhortleberries n. Plural of whortleberry.
WHORTLEBERRY n. a widely spread heath plant; its dark blue edible berry, also HURTLEBERRY, WHORT, WHORTLE.
WORKABILITIESworkabilities n. Plural of workability.
WORKABILITY n. the quality of being workable.
WORKTABLESworktables n. Plural of worktable.
WORKTABLE n. a table for holding working materials and implements; esp. a small table with drawers and other conveniences for needlework, etc.
WORLDBEATSWORLDBEAT n. popular music from outside the western mainstream.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 488 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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