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There are 14 words containing B, E, I, 3R and 2T

RETRIBUTORretributor n. Alternative form of retributer.
RETRIBUTOR n. one engaging in retribution.
RETRIBUTORSretributors n. Plural of retributor.
RETRIBUTOR n. one engaging in retribution.
RETRIBUTORYretributory adj. Of or relating to retribution; of the nature of retribution; involving retribution or repayment.
RETRIBUTORY adj. relating to retribution.
BIOTERRORISTbioterrorist n. A terrorist employing biological weapons.
bioterrorist adj. Of or relating to a bioterrorist or bioterrorism.
ARBITRATRICESarbitratrices n. Plural of arbitratrix.
ARBITRATRIX n. (archaic) a female arbitrator.
ARBITRATRIXESARBITRATRIX n. (archaic) a female arbitrator.
BIOTERRORISTSbioterrorists n. Plural of bioterrorist.
TRITUBERCULARtritubercular adj. Having or designating teeth with three cusps or tubercles; tricuspid.
tritubercular adj. Relating to trituberculy.
TRITUBERCULAR adj. having three tubercles or cusps, also TRITUBERCULATE.
CYBERTERRORISTcyberterrorist n. A person who carries out cyberterrorism.
CYBERTERRORIST n. a terrorist who attacks computer networks.
INTERVERTEBRALintervertebral adj. Between the vertebrae.
INTERVERTEBRAL adj. between vertebrae.
PERTURBATORIESPERTURBATORY n. something tending to perturb.
SUBTERRESTRIALsubterrestrial adj. Under the earth; subterranean.
subterrestrial n. One who lives under the earth.
SUBTERRESTRIAL adj. existing underground.
CYBERTERRORISTScyberterrorists n. Plural of cyberterrorist.
CYBERTERRORIST n. a terrorist who attacks computer networks.
SUBTERRESTRIALSsubterrestrials n. Plural of subterrestrial.
SUBTERRESTRIAL n. a subterrestrial person or thing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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