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There are 20 words containing B, E, I, L, M, N and 2U

CUMULONIMBUSEScumulonimbuses n. Plural of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
EXALBUMINOUSexalbuminous adj. (Botany) Having no albumen about the embryo; said of certain seeds.
EXALBUMINOUS adj. without albumen.
HIBERNACULUMhibernaculum n. (Zoology) The place where a hibernating animal shelters for the winter.
hibernaculum n. (Botany) A bud, case, or protective covering that a plant uses to survive the challenging environmental…
HIBERNACULUM n. (Latin) a shelter occupied during the winter by a dormant animal (as an insect or reptile).
INSURMOUNTABLEinsurmountable adj. Incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome; insuperable.
INSURMOUNTABLE adj. incapable of being surmounted.
INTERAMBULACRUMinterambulacrum n. (Zoology) In echinoderms, one of the areas or zones intervening between two ambulacra.
INTERAMBULACRUM n. in sea urchins, a radial band between ambulacra.
NEBULIUMnebulium n. (Astronomy, physics, obsolete) A supposed chemical element proposed as a result of spectral analysis…
NEBULIUM n. an element formerly assumed to explain certain lines in the spectra of gaseous nebulae, now known to be due to states of oxygen and nitrogen not possible under earthly conditions.
NEBULIUMSNEBULIUM n. an element formerly assumed to explain certain lines in the spectra of gaseous nebulae, now known to be due to states of oxygen and nitrogen not possible under earthly conditions.
NELUMBIUMnelumbium n. (Botany) Any member of the former plant genus Nelumbium.
NELUMBIUM n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBO.
NELUMBIUMSnelumbiums n. Plural of nelumbium.
NELUMBIUM n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBO.
NONEQUILIBRIUMnonequilibrium n. The condition of not being in equilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUMSnonequilibriums n. Plural of nonequilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.
PLUMBAGINACEOUSplumbaginaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, leadworts.
PNEUMOBACILLUSPNEUMOBACILLUS n. a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract and which causes pneumonia.
RUMBLEGUMPTIONrumblegumption n. Alternative form of rumgumption.
UNCOMMUNICABLEuncommunicable adj. Impossible to communicate.
UNCOMMUNICABLE adj. incommunicable.
UNIMPUGNABLEunimpugnable adj. That cannot be impugned; beyond reproach or attack.
UNIMPUGNABLE adj. not impugnable.
UNSLUMBERINGunslumbering adj. Not slumbering; unsleeping.
UNSLUMBERING adj. not slumbering.
UNSUBLIMATEDunsublimated adj. Not sublimated.
UNSUBLIMATED adj. not sublimated.
UNSUBLIMEDunsublimed adj. Not sublimed.
UNSUBLIMED adj. not sublimed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 308 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 168 words

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