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There are 15 words containing B, E, H, 2I, N, P and R

TRIBUNESHIPtribuneship n. (Historical) The office of tribune.
tribuneship n. (Historical) The period in which a person serves as tribune.
TRIBUNESHIP n. the office of tribune.
REPUBLISHINGrepublishing v. Present participle of republish.
REPUBLISH v. to publish again.
TRIBUNESHIPStribuneships n. Plural of tribuneship.
TRIBUNESHIP n. the office of tribune.
UNPROHIBITEDunprohibited adj. Not prohibited.
UNPROHIBITED adj. not prohibited.
HYPERBOLISINGhyperbolising v. Present participle of hyperbolise.
HYPERBOLISE v. to indulge in hyperbole, also HYPERBOLIZE.
HYPERBOLIZINGhyperbolizing v. Present participle of hyperbolize.
HYPERBOLIZE v. to indulge in hyperbole, also HYPERBOLISE.
INDECIPHERABLEindecipherable adj. Not decipherable; impossible to decode, read, understand or comprehend.
indecipherable adj. Indistinguishable.
INDECIPHERABLE adj. incapable of being deciphered.
INDECIPHERABLYindecipherably adv. In an indecipherable fashion.
INDECIPHERABLE adv. incapable of being deciphered.
CHAMBERLAINSHIPchamberlainship n. The office or post of chamberlain.
CHAMBERLAINSHIP n. the office of chamberlain.
INAPPREHENSIBLEinapprehensible adj. That cannot be apprehended; not apprehensible to or graspable by either body or mind.
INAPPREHENSIBLE adj. not capable of being apprehended.
IRREPREHENSIBLEirreprehensible adj. Not reprehensible, blameless, without blame; innocent.
IRREPREHENSIBLE adj. beyond blame.
IRREPREHENSIBLYirreprehensibly adv. In an irreprehensible manner.
IRREPREHENSIBLE adv. beyond blame.
PREESTABLISHINGpreestablishing v. Present participle of preestablish.
preëstablishing v. Present participle of preëstablish.
pre-establishing v. Present participle of pre-establish.
PROBATIONERSHIPprobationership n. The state of being a probationer; novitiate.
PROBATIONERSHIP n. the state of being a probationer.
PROHIBITIVENESSprohibitiveness n. The quality of being prohibitive.
PROHIBITIVENESS n. the state of being prohibitive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 515 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 18 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 35 words

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