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There are 15 words containing B, E, G, L, O and 3S

BELONGINGNESSESbelongingnesses n. Plural of belongingness.
BELONGINGNESS n. the state of belonging.
BLASTOGENESESBLASTOGENESIS n. reproduction by budding.
BLASTOGENESISblastogenesis n. (Biology) Reproduction via budding.
blastogenesis n. (Biology) The transformation of small lymphocytes into larger, undifferentiated cells that undergo mitosis.
BLASTOGENESIS n. reproduction by budding.
BUGLOSSESbuglosses n. Plural of bugloss.
BUGLOSS n. a wild flower, with bristly stem and vivid blue flowers.
DISOBLIGINGNESSdisobligingness n. The quality of being disobliging.
DISOBLIGING n. uncooperative.
GLABROUSNESSglabrousness n. The quality of being glabrous.
GLABROUSNESS n. the state of being glabrous.
GLABROUSNESSESGLABROUSNESS n. the state of being glabrous.
GLASSBLOWERSglassblowers n. Plural of glassblower.
GLASSBLOWER n. one who blows glass.
GLOBOSENESSgloboseness n. The property of being globose.
GLOBOSENESS n. the state of being globose.
GLOBOSENESSESGLOBOSENESS n. the state of being globose.
GLOBULARNESSESGLOBULARNESS n. the state of being globular.
GYROSTABILISERSgyrostabilisers n. Plural of gyrostabiliser.
GYROSTABILISER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILIZER.
IGNOBLENESSESignoblenesses n. Plural of ignobleness.
IGNOBLENESS n. the state of being ignoble.
LUGUBRIOUSNESSlugubriousness n. The property of being lugubrious.
LUGUBRIOUS n. mournful, dismal, esp. in an exaggerated or affected manner.
OBLIGINGNESSESobligingnesses n. Plural of obligingness.
OBLIGINGNESS n. the state of being obliging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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